What exactly is "girlfriend material" and exactly why do I need to be it? What is "boyfriend material" for that matter?
I hear it all the time about girls claiming they are this elusive "girlfriend material" as if it in anyway makes them a better partner. I also hear girls who claim that they are not yet "girlfriend material" as if that is a sign that anyone wanting relations should stay away or as if they need to change to become a better future girlfriend.
What exactly is this "girlfriend material"?
Why are we forced into these strange standards for being the perfect partner? We are dating human beings, not computers. We should not expect the Girlfriend Material 3000. we should expect normal people who we are compatible with. If we expect our partner to be perfect, we are setting our relationship up to crash. Human beings are not perfect. Why do we expect ourselves to be perfect in a relationship?
Why do we have to conform to this fantasy image of the perfect girlfriend, or the perfect boyfriend, or the perfect partner? I firmly believe that having the perfect partner would get old very quickly. The standard perfect girlfriend is different for everyone and it is impossible to be "girlfriend material" for every single person.
The truth is, "girlfriend material"is just what one specific person wants in a girlfriend. There is no code of conduct to behaving like a proper girlfriend and there should never be. I am not "girlfriend material" to the majority of the world and I am very proud of that fact. I don't need to be 'girlfriend material" to everyone. The one who loves me, loves me because I am me. I don't fit the normal standard of "girlfriend material" but I fit their opinion of "girlfriend material". They love me for all my flaws and all my faults.
To them, I am "girlfriend material" because I am me. I don't have to fit other people's opinions on what is or is not girlfriend material because I already fit theirs. Isn't that what we all should want in a relationship? Not to be the perfect partner but for our significant other to love us regardless of the fact that we are not perfect?