Quite simply, the will to do anything we please. So much freedom that we often go against our best interest for one reason or another.
Why doesn't God help me in my decisions? She does. She helps you by hinting at your feelings. If something feels sour deep down, it may need to be investigated. This is a check engine light for any situation. She does not fret your choices, but she is always there and is always communicating with you. Words are fickle tools. Therefore she seeks to give you signals rather than text. We all know how texts can be misconstrued. So can her words.
How may I know God is communicating with me? Look for repetitive signs. For example, in my experience butterflies are common indicators for the divine to tell me everything is playing out how it is meant to be. During a big change in my life, I could see up to 36 butterflies in a week. I also catch numbers repeated are a common occurrence. Ever wake up at the same time during the middle of the night? Like, eerily the same minute on the hour? She is speaking to you. If you desire a straightforward answer when talking with God, sit with yourself in silence. Try to empty your thoughts and numb the words in order to speak with her more clearly.
What is a yes and a no? How may I know which is which? You can tell the difference between a positive and negative feeling. Positive feelings are often a feeling of wholeness and peace. Often a yes can be a feeling of comfort and serenity. A sign in relevance to your question. Or a random inner knowing of an idea that feels as if it were not your own. Go with these intuitive notions. Because more often than not, this is God speaking with you and through you. On the contrary, no is often a feeling of friction. Doubt and fear are often the signs of a no from God. This can happen in " I have a bad feeling about this." Interestingly enough it can also happen with our thoughts. You may think something of yourself as "bad" and you simultaneously have a bad feeling about this thought. This is God telling you the truth of your magnificence! This is why we feel good when we love ourselves but bad when we talk down on ourselves. God uses these feelings as a compass. Think of these feelings as law. When you fear, you are often in dissonance with what your spirit knows to be true. Although, not in the same feeling as guilt. For example, " I do not have enough money." You may feel this way but your spirit knows that you are more than capable of having all the abundance you crave! Now the question is, will you manifest it?