Delta 9o is a new psychoactive cannabinoid on the market known as Delta 9 THC-O acetate. Producers like 3CHI took Delta 9 THC-O from hemp and enhanced it by treating it with acetate. 3CHI was the first producer to bring delta-8 to the hemp scene; this means 3CHI has a proven track record of making cannabinoid products legible and accessible to consumers while maintaining high quality.
What is delta 9o, how is delta 9o made, and what are the effects of delta 9o? You'll find answers to this as you read on. Happy reading!
What is the cannabinoid delta 9o?
Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol acetate, also known as Delta 9o, is a substance usually referred to as "THCO," similar to delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol acetate. This cannabinoid was developed in the 1970s during the Edgewood Arsenal Army cannabinoid experiments; THCO is believed to be 3x more potent than the traditional THC.
THCO is commonly known as an acetylated compound, which is usually very potent regardless of the components used in making them. Acetylation generally provides higher potency increases than what THCO offers.
Delta 9o was designed to increase the potency of THC to the maximum possible height. More research needs to be conducted to know the exact result of how high this cannabinoid can take.
How is delta 9o made?
Delta 9o (THCO) is developed through acetylation, a process that entails the application of an acetate substance (mostly acetic anhydride) to a cannabinoid base extract. This cannabinoid extract is mainly made of separated CBD that has been turned into THC's carboxylic acid precursor THCA, through an enzymatic process.
This process almost follows the exact method used in making the delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol acetate which is commonly called THCO. Throughout the years of researching THCO, the combination of delta 8 and delta 9 has been used to develop this compound using mainly delta 8 to make THCO (due to the recent result of the online hemp revolution).
This has led many manufacturers to make THCO with delta nine instead of delta 8. This converted cannabinoid is now called delta 9o to avoid any mix-up with other forms of THCO on the market. The development of delta 9o is so that its potency can have more impact than the THCO made with delta 8.
Delta 9o vs. THC-O
Differentiating Delta 9 THC-O and THC-O can be quite confusing, considering that the producers included acetate in the chemical build-up of the cannabinoids. And that acetylated cannabinoid is what makes the difference between them.
THC-O comes from Delta 8 THC, while Delta 9o comes from Delta 9 THC. Hence, it's safe to say that their molecular combination, structure, and effects are different. For example, THC-O is expected to be more potent than conventional THC, while Delta 9o is not likely to be stronger but easier to absorb. Some users will argue that Delta 9o should be more potent than THC-O since Delta 9 is stronger than Delta 8. However, that is left for consumers to confirm when trying other cannabis.
Effects of Delta 9o
When you use Delta 9o, it's expected that you get the same effects as when you use Delta 9 THC. Like conventional THC, Delta 9o causes a powerful mental and physical effect that will relax you and send you to cloud nine.
However, you may be thinking that since they're not the same cannabinoid, they ought to have different effects. Well, you're not wrong because even if you get the same effect from Delta 9 from Delta 9o, the difference is that Delta 9o is easier for your body to absorb the difference in its molecular composition. This means you'll get that chilled and euphoric feeling faster.
Also, most users claim they get high for 1 to 2 hours before the euphoric feeling starts to fade, a more extended period than when you take Delta 9. However, the side effects kick in and stay longer, so you should be prepared by taking enough water to keep you hydrated and watching your dosage.
There's still so much to know about Delta 9o. That's why it's essential to buy your products from a brand with a proven track record of selling legible cannabinoid products. For instance, 3CHI always take the lead when it comes to selling hemp-derived products, and by this, they've earned consumers' trust.