For almost 14 out of the 15 years of my life, I have been blessed to be able to say that I have a dad. I have known no other man who has shown so much love and strength for the two little girls he open- heartedly welcomed into his life.
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A dad is not a man who isn't dedicated. A Dad is a man who will do everything in his power to make you, his child, happy. He would sacrifice his whole life for you, just so you can grow up to be the best person you can be.
A dad is not a man who leaves you. He doesn't run when things get tough. A Dad is a man who will stay by your side, through thick and thin. But Why? Because he loves you. Even if he could have the whole wide world in his palm, he would not trade you for it. He is faithful to you and your family at all times. If an opportunity opens up for him, he will not take it and run. He will take an opportunity only if it helps to make his family better and happier.
A dad is not a man who doesn't fight for you. Though he may seem to be against you sometimes, it’s always for the best. Whether it’s about a boy or pulling the blinds up from your window, there’s always a lesson he's trying to teach you. If something isn't right, he will drop anything and everything to change it.
A dad is not a man who makes you feel like less of a person. He is a man who makes you feel worthy and valuable. He does not shame you for how you look or dress, but instead loves you for all that you are.
A dad is a teacher and a learner. He teaches you right from wrong. Just as you can learn things from him, he is willing to learn things from you. At times it may seem as if he doesn't care what you say, but he does. He is always listening.
A dad is many things—many things that make him a hero. Hopefully, these few things I mentioned helps the many unsure ones out there. Do not take him or what he does for granted. You may not always be on the best terms with your Dad, I know there’s been times I have not. But as I think of all these amazing things he does for me on a daily basis, it soon all becomes clear how much he loves me. I now understand and, hopefully, this helps the many unsure ones out there too.
Thank you, Dad. I Love You.