So with everything going on in the recent months, it felt almost natural to me to write about the debate. However, it really was not a presidential debate but a comedy show, some sort of wrestling match, or my personal favorite: a middle school election. It seems that way because Trump and Hillary were both on each other's tails and the moderator could not get a word in to introduce a topic or even end the debate. Also, it felt like Trump was throwing out promises and such like kids in student council throw out promises of extra recess and better food in the lunchroom. But my girl Hilly C really pulled through this time. She was prepared to fight and call Trump out on all that he says and yet she still got major flack from it all. Reading comments on my news feed on Facebook, I read about how Hillary was so smug and acted all high and mighty over Donald Trump (and yes, calling him Donald and not Mr. Trump doesn't help my case). I think we neglect to realize that maybe it is her not being obnoxious but instead her being her and realizing that women can be powerful and be able to argue and be smarter than men. Sexism is heavily rooted in people's reactions to her because she is not the smile, sit back and wave First Lady we are all used to and people are scared to realize that men and women can do the same things and women can be as assertive as men. If we continue to shame Hillary for this behavior, what is the message being sent to kids out there? That they can't let girls be outspoken or even dominant people and leaders? There are many parts that I love about the debate, but one in particular was when she called Trump out on his sexism towards women, especially women of color.
"He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them. And he called this woman 'Miss Piggy.' Then he called her 'Miss Housekeeping,' because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name."
I think I shouted at the computer when I saw this took place. For one of the few times on national television, I was able to see change happen in the sense that political candidates are starting to realize that not only are women people, but also that they have names and should be respected. I know, me saying that is weird and it is also very sad, because this should have happened years ago. However, it is finally being called out by someone who wants to run this country and I am very happy about that.
Also, we should ask if Trump is really a good person to be a role model to kids and people of the future. Not just because of his misogyny but also the fact that he was talking over Hillary. You could tell in her eyes that she was ready to take any swing that was going to be thrown at her, but the amount of times he interrupted her is another wake up call that sexism is alive and well and that male privilege is too. Clinton should not be treated like a scheming witch. I think that fearing strong women is a part of the problem a lot of the older generation experiences. In the future,we need to be more susceptible to change, so we can be more open-minded for the next generation of great minds.
More on Trump interrupting Hillary...