What is confidently beautiful?
This question asked at the Miss USA pageant, got my mind pondering what I would say if I was asked this question. In today’s world, there is so much negativity and shaming towards women that it is almost impossible for a woman to feel 100% secure within her own skin. We shame the women who aren’t pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, however, we also shame the women who are too pretty, too skinny, too smart. There are too many girls and women being bullied in some way or another about appearances, however, to me, being confidently beautiful has nothing to do with appearance. Here are four things that define confidently beautiful to me:
Knowing your self-worth.
Knowing you are worth more than any names anybody could ever call you. Knowing you are worth more than any stupid boy could ever make you believe. Knowing your worth when faced with situations that could decrease your value and rise above. When you know realize your self-worth, confidence and beauty shine from within.
Knowing and owning your flaws.
We all have flaws (even though we may never admit them). We may only inwardly deal with the insecurity of these flaws and completely shut down when someone points them out. We look at flaws in a negative light, but our flaws are what makes us unique and beautiful in our own way. Accepting your flaws and using them to your advantage instead of seeing them as a disadvantage will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Having an opinion.
I am happy to live in a country where my voice matters. When I think of beautiful women, I think of intelligent, kind-hearted women who aren’t afraid to have an opinion and speak their mind. These women also stick to their convictions and aren’t swayed by others. Being confident in your opinions and truly believing in what you stand for is the most beautiful thing a woman in today’s society could ever do.
Showing compassion.
A good heart is one of the most beautiful accessories a girl can have. Being compassionate towards others and loving people like Jesus loves us is truly a beautiful quality for women to have.
See how none of these four things have anything to do with aesthetic beauty? That’s because, in my opinion, beauty works its way from the inside out. To be confidently beautiful we must start working on ourselves and watch as our beauty radiates to the world.