What is an Established Title? | The Odyssey Online
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What is an Established Title?

An Established Title is an honorific address typically used in reference to the holder's higher orders of nobility or their rank. While established titles are not as commonly

What is an Established Title?

An Established Title is an honorific address typically used in reference to the holder's higher orders of nobility or their rank. While established titles are not as commonly used in modern society and law, countries like Scotland still recognize them. While the titles of nobility are no longer as important, they are still considered honorific titles in some cases and are used by some people.

What are examples of Established Titles?

Lady: Used to refer to a woman of nobility, the title is still used today to refer to the person.

Lord: A title given to those who hold a higher position in the world, often awarded by an emirate in exchange for military service.

Lord of the Manor: A title given to an individual who owns or controls a land and has the right to use the land.

Laird: A Scottish term that signifies ownership and leadership of rural land, often used by landowners in Scotland.

Becoming a Title Holder

Individuals may have land and wealth, but they will not become title holders unless the government or ruler grants them the honor. There are different ways to become a titleholder. Some countries have institutions that will recognize an individual as a titleholder. However, in other countries, the individual must petition the government or ruler and prove their worthiness for the honor.

How to Become a Laird

Because the laird is the owner of a property in Scotland, owning land is one way to become a laird. A person must have enough money and resources to own land. The land should be in a rural area with access to natural resources, such as water and timber. The person must be willing to take on the responsibility of owning the land because it will require maintenance and care.

In some cases, a Scottish landowner might decide to sell his land, but he will not be able to sell the title in the process. A person who buys the land must petition for the title by proving their worthiness.

How to Become a Lord

A foreign ruler may grant an individual a title. Accepting the title makes the person subject to that ruler's laws. The individual must be willing to go to the country and swear an oath of allegiance. This means that the person must pledge their loyalty to the ruler.

How to Become a Lady

A woman considered a lady can have her title from her family. The individual will receive the title through inheritance or marriage to a lord or baron. The woman can also petition the government to be granted a title. The individual will need to prove that they are of a distinguished family and would bring honor upon the country by accepting their title. If a woman marries, then she will take on the title of her husband.

How to Become a Lord of the Manor

An emirate grants the title of Lord of the Manor. The person must be willing to swear allegiance to the emirate, and they must have a high enough level of wealth to receive this honor. The person's wealth is typically determined by the number of people who live on the land. If the title of Lord of the Manor is passed down from generation to generation, then the title will continue.

Maintaining the Title

A person may have the title, but it is not a guarantee that they will hold onto it. The landowner or leader could lose the title if they are no longer fit for the role. If there is a dispute on who should be the titleholder, then the government will decide who gets the title. The government may also interfere when one person attempts to take another's title away from them.

How to Become a Lord in Modern Times

In Scotland, an individual will not become a lord because they are not eligible to inherit the title. However, in modern times, people can become a lord. A person who has inherited a title may petition the government for the honor by proving their worthiness of the title. Here are some requirements to prove as a lord:

Knowledge of law

If you want to become a lord in Scotland, your knowledge of the law is definitely going to come in handy. You will need to prove that you know the government's legal system and will be able to enforce it in your district when required. As a lord, you will have the power to administer justice in your district.

Pride in your district

You will need to take pride in everything that takes place within your territory. You will have to be interested in the people and the land, and you will be required to contribute to the community. You will need to serve on different committees and attend meetings. You will be required to take an active role in your community.


The people who become lords are expected to set a good example for their district. They will need to be disciplined and have a high moral standard. The lord will set the example for the people. They will often be called upon to serve on committees and make decisions.

Able to lead

You will need to lead the people in your district if you are going to become a lord. You will be an example to people who look up to you as a leader. You will need to be able to communicate with people, and you will need to inspire them. If a lord cannot inspire their followers, they will not be able to develop a relationship with others or have respect from their people.

Financially stable

Many responsibilities go along with being a lord. You will need to maintain your property, and you will not be able to let the title go completely. If you lose your land, then you may not be able to continue being a lord. You will need to be able to support yourself and your family.

In conclusion, with the old Scottish tradition of the laird, baron, and Lord of the Manor still practiced in modern times, it is considered a "living tradition." With each new holder comes a chance to make their mark on the historical record.

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