In all honesty, I do not know much about this city except for that one statement. I don’t know much about the current situation in Syria. I am not an expert on the war or why the war even started in the first place.
This is fault on my part. I don’t take the time to research these types of topics. If we are being completely honest, these types of topics don’t interest me. I watch "The Office" and makeup tutorials for fun. I don’t take the time to learn about these real-life, tortuous situations.
BUT what I do know is that Aleppo is a city that needs our help. Aleppo is a city that is experiencing hell on earth. Aleppo is a city that is losing thousands of people. Aleppo is a city that is crying for something, someone to save them.
What I do know is that I would give anything to be over there helping the people of Aleppo. What I do know is that my problems seem to dim when I think of the children in Aleppo. What I do know is that I saw a video of a child clinging to his father begging him not to die. The child kept yelling, "God, help me bear with it." What I do know is that there are children abandoned with no one left to call family.
This violence makes me want to jump on a plane to save those children and never come back until each one has help. We need to pray for this city. We need to pray that God becomes everything to these people and more. We need to pray for the people who have lost loved ones. We need to pray that God will prepare us to go into the world and be the hands and feet of Jesus.