There are mere days before Thanksgiving comes around yet again and once again the question asked of everyone is: "What are you thankful for?" I've been thinking about this since the beginning of the month and I must say, this year I have a lot of things to be thankful for; some old, some new, but all very wonderful none the less.
To begin with, I'm thankful for the fact that I am able to go to college. School wasn't always the best place for me, and yet so far college has been absolutely splendid. I've been there for about 2 months now and I've done, and been a part of so many wonderful things already that I can't imagine how my life may be now if I wasn't at college.
I'm thankful for the friends I've made here. There are so many people who have made my experience thus far irreplaceable that I can't even begin to list them off. I feel like I've found my place here, a place where I can be accepted and not shamed for who I am. I've found people that only know the person I am today and do not hold the person I was years ago against me.
I'm thankful for my family, of course. Without my family, I would have never been able to go to school, to meet so many new people, and I wouldn't really be alive. What I love about my family is how supportive we are of each other. We understand each other and like all families may have our issues, but in the end we always manage to resolve them.
I'm thankful for the fact that I've grown so much in the last year. One year ago today I can guarantee you that I was sitting in my room, cuddling my cat, contemplating the worst parts of my life and letting it consume me. Today, I'm laying in bed, cuddling my cat, thinking about all the wonderful things in my life and paying little attention to the things that would otherwise try and eat me up in the worst way possible.
There are many things to be thankful for in this life. There are many things to be rightfully ungrateful for too, but letting those things weigh on your very being like that is so detrimental to your mind, body, and soul. No matter what happens, find the things to be thankful for, no matter how small and insignificant they seem. If they keep you going, it's worth it.