What I'll Miss Most About Home | The Odyssey Online
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What I'll Miss Most About Home

A soon-to-be freshman's list of things she wishes she didn't have to leave in a month.

What I'll Miss Most About Home

As summer is coming closer and closer to an end, the Class of 2016 is getting ready for our next chapter in life, which for a lot of us, means moving away and furthering our education at colleges across the country. Even though I'm attending a school that's only 2.5 hours away (closer to my home than the thousands of kids going to PSU), it is in a different state, meaning I'm going to be without several of my Pennsylvania-home loves.

1. Wawa

To anyone who knows me, this doesn't come as much of a surprise. My most frequently visited Wawa is right down the street from me, and the people in there are like my second family. I have a breakfast, lunch, dinner and the usual late night snack, and I get teary-eyed every time I think about the fact that one of the few constants in my life won't be there to get me through college (although it will be the first place I go whenever I come home). I will proudly wear my tie dye Hoagiefest 2016 around campus, and to possibly second as a handkerchief to wipe away my tears.

2. Philly Sports

Yes I know, we aren't at our best at the moment, but there was a time when all of the Philly teams were good (no really, I swear). One of my favorite memories is when the Phillies won the 2008 World Series and my parents let my sister and me skip school to go to the parade (Jimmy Rollins pointed at me, true story). But there's a certain camaraderie that comes with being a Philly sports fan and when growing up this community led to different traditions that I'm going to miss being a part of. I won't be home for the Eagles opening weekend where my family has chicken stroganoff and apple crisp while watching the game (I'm actually really upset about it). Instead, I'll be in a place where the majority of people are Boston or New York fans, a fanbase filled with people when growing up with Philly sports you learn to dislike almost immediately (to future classmates; this isn't technically a deal breaker, it'll just be a flaw I'll look over cause we're friends).

3. Food

Honestly, I could write a 500 page essay on all the local foods I love and why I love them, but why write something that one, won't be understood by most people, and two, will make me hungry. So I'll just name a few...

Tastykakes, though I hope they get mailed to me often...Mom and Dad.

Cheesesteaks. Um, duh.

Water ice. Have you ever have water ice that wasn't Rita's or from this area that was good? Didn't think so.

Scrapple, the breakfast of champions.

Hoagies. When I went up to orientation someone called them 'heroes' and I choked on my Dr. Pepper.

4. Friends

This one is a no-brainer. And I know college is going to bring me many wonderful new people, but the more I think about it, the more it begins to sink in that the group of friends I consider family won't be around me 24/7. Over the course of high school, we've done everything together. Our most recent adult adventure being eating Chick-fil-A and watching TV at someone's house (we're party animals, I know). I'm confident in my relationships and that they will stand the test of time (and distance), but the lack of comfort of not having them by my side those first few weeks will certainly be a challenge that we'll all have to overcome. Which shouldn't be too hard, with our always active group chat and the promise of FaceTime dates when we can.

5. Family

Not going to lie, for a majority of the time, being on my own is going to be pretty great and I'm pumped. But the closer move in day comes, the more I've began to appreciate my family and realize how much I'm going to miss them. It's the little random things too, like going to Target every other day for pointless things with my mom and making her laugh with my ridiculous noises / comments during the classes we take at the gym. Going to the farmer's market with my dad and him laughing at my long list of healthy foods that he'll probably end up cooking for me anyway. Sitting in the living room late at night watching re-runs of Bob's Burgers and Family Guy with my sister, since we're the only ones who find it funny. And the fact that every time I'm going to come home, my younger cousins will continue to get bigger and learn new things, that I'm sure they will be so excited to show me (and I'll be more than happy to watch).

6. My Dog

The only pets you can have in the dorms are fish, and fish don't wag their tails when you come home and snuggle up next to you on the couch, looking at you with their big brown eyes that say, "Brit, I love you so much, thanks for feeding me Twizzler bites when Mom isn't looking."

As much as I'm going to miss all of these things about home, and I'm sure many others can relate, I'm so looking forward to the future and to see what college has in store for me. I would never go as far as to say I'm going to find a Wawa replacement (it's an impossible task) or root for the Bruins (my dad would disown me), but I'm excited for the new adventures college will bring. A year from now, I may have many new favorites to add to my list, many new friends in my life and a new normal. All this change at once can be terrifying and overwhelming, but to all of my class of 2016 peers, it's OK to look around and note what you're going to miss most, but don't forget to look forward to the future for all the new adventures and memories to come!

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