The ice caps are melting, the rainforest is disappearing, and species are going extinct, yet the argument continues to rage on: is global warming really a man-made issue? Is there any point in "going green?" My answer is probably, and for most of the world it's a resounding YES! Even so, some people will never be convinced and others just like to argue. So, for the sake of this argument, lets say that there is no real evidence, like our massive carbon footprint, that would link us to global warming and nothing we do will have any effect on our global temperature.
Even in this case, which is completely hypothetical and goes against actual scientific data, I still can't find a real reason to be against going green. Global warming doesn't have to have anything to do with, even though it does but why waste my word count? Living a green lifestyle is good for the environment you live in, it's good for your health, and it saves you money in the long run.
Attending UNA, the beautiful scenery is one of its many perks. When I was touring I instantly fell in love with all the trees and large green areas. Part of going green is taking care of the environment. UNA's campus would be nearly as enchanting if it was littered with trash, or if we cut down all the trees to make room for other things. And we all know how that ends.
Recycling is also a big deal on campus. Sure, you could just throw things into the trash, but then where will it end up? Likely it will end up in a landfill somewhere, becoming a literal waste of space. Or you could give it new life. It costs nothing to recycle your trash, just put it in the appropriately marked bin. I understand that not all areas have this option, but that's because there isn't enough demand for it. Just because we can't see our trash piling up, doesn't mean it isn't. Working together, we can keep our environment, and someone else's, naturally beautiful.
Remember in elementary school when they taught us about greenhouse gases and how they come from burning coal and even our cars? You may not think they have an effect on the O-Zone, but they certainty aren't good for you. You may debate over if it causes global warming or not, but just by experience you must accept that it causes air pollution. As someone with asthma, I value being able to breathe, and I would guess that most people share that value.
In the fight against global warming, green energy is often mentioned, and it's often fought against. A common argument is that it's too expensive. Granted, it does cost money to get the equipment for green energy, but after that things are relatively cheap. Especially when we take into account that prices have lowered as green energy has become more popular.
I could go on forever about benefits like these, but I just hit some main points instead. I love loving around all this nature and I love being able to breathe clean air, others don't have this option anymore. It's not too late for us to start making better decisions though. After all, what will the global temperature matter to us if we've already completed destroyed our environment?