I've had my helix orbital piercing for about 3 weeks now, i have already learned so much. I think the piercing itself is super cute, but the process of it getting pierced, I will never do that again. I also didn't get my helix pierced in the "normal" spot that most do. Most people get it pierced on the flat part of their ear, but my entire piercing is on the hood of my ear. However, there are some things I wish I would've known before getting an advanced piercing.
Pain is a 10/10
It took about 30 minutes to do my piercing and let me tell you, THOSE WERE THE WORST 30 MINUTES OF MY LIFE! Helix Orbitals are so painful. The healing process isn't as painful, but if you get it snagged on something, trust me you'll feel it.
If you bleed, cleaning it can be hard
I have the worst luck in the world and when my piercing bleed, it all stuck at the very top of the hood of my ear. So, I couldn't get it out, I had to wait for the blood to just come out on its own. It drove me crazy. I just wanted to clean it and not have to deal with it anymore, but I couldn't do that.
It might move
The next day, my earrring moved up (which is why it looks the way it does in the picture). This means the earring is actually too big for my ear so about 2 months from now, I will have to get it downsized.
You can wear more than a hoop in it, but it can be hard to find other earrings that look right in the piercing
I know that was a mouthful so let me explain it a little better. With a helix orbital piercing, it is all on the hood of your ear. This means yes, you can wear more than just a hoop in it, but if you ever decide you don't the hoop anymore, good luck finding something that will look good on that part of your ear. Eventually, I plan on changing mine to 2 separate earrings (because there are 2 holes), However, I've been trying to find at least one style of earring that will fit into that part of my ear without being too long or too big.