This past Monday I celebrated my birthday. However, this wasn't just any other birthday. This was one birthday that marked my quarter century. It still hasn't hit that I'm 25 now. The fact that I'm a REAL adult both excites me and terrifies me. For the reason being that 30 is only 5 years away, and the fact that I'm finally gaining the independence that I've wanted all my life.
Meaning that I'm actually taking more considerations for taking more time for myself rather than for those around me. I'm gaining who I truly am. So far, this journey is teaching me a lot that I never would have found out about myself before. I'm learning more and more on how I am loving myself the best way possible. The difference is that by loving me for who I am, I am finding myself within my flaws, my strengths, and weaknesses. I'm also making sure that I'm not out there comparing myself to others. That was something that I used to struggle with especially as a teenager. I used to believe that by being someone else, I would be happier. It turns out that by being you its way easier than pretending to be someone just to satisfy others. Instead of satisfying others, focus on satisfying what YOU want. By realizing this it has brought me much more happiness, and I credit myself on taking that step.
By turning 25 it allowed me to look back on the past 25 years. Through all of the ups and the downs, I am very grateful for the life that I was given. Raised by two parents that showed me that you can receive anything you desire by hard work and ambition. Being that my parents are not from the United States, I am grateful that they wanted me to have the best life possible. I am also grateful for my older sister. Although we are 10 years apart, I am grateful for all that she has taught me and for all that she has done for me. There were times that definitely frustrated her considering our age gap, but I hope she knows that I am forever grateful for the role model she is.
I realize that there are many more things about life that I need to learn, but I promise that I will get there. Through 25 years I have also gained and lost many people that were in my life. Some people are meant to be in your life for the long run, and others are just simply not. For those individuals that are no longer in my life, I wish nothing but the best for them. By wishing bad upon those that have hurt you, that does not make you better than them. Be the better person, wish them well. You can't expect to be everyone's cup of tea, life just does not work this way. By obsessing over being loved so much, it takes away who you are.
By not focusing so much on that, you can be happier with what you have control over. The weekend of my birthday I got together with some old faces, and I realized that this is the type of birthday celebration everyone should have. By being together with people who will only lift you higher rather than lower. In the past, I used to put in more effort to celebrate my birthday, it made me forget to actually have fun.
By taking that away, it allowed me to enjoy celebrating another year I have on this earth. There are certain people on this earth that did not live to see their 16th, 18th, 21st, and 25th birthday. I am grateful that I was surrounded by some of the best group of women that I know. I want them all to know that I love them all so much. Although some of my other closest friends could not make it, they would still reach out which let me know that they value our friendship.
As I sit here pondering wondering what will come next, there is a lot more that I need to learn about life. In the meantime, I will just keep focusing on the goals, and priorities that I will accomplish. I will stop putting so much effort into things that don't matter, and more into what will actually make me happy for myself. Am I perfect? Never, Do I have flaws? 100%. This is only the start of what will be the next best years of my life. To all the other January 14th birthdays, Happy Birthday to all of you!