As second semester sophomore year comes to a close, it is suddenly hitting me that I'm almost halfway done with college. Everyone's right, it does really fly by. Taking this into account, I've been reflecting on my time so far in college and some of the things I have learned about myself and others.
1. The people you surround yourself with shape you.
As much as we all want to be our own person, who we surround ourselves with impacts our behaviors and feelings. I sometimes even find myself using words that my friends say a lot. Knowing this, I have to make a conscious decision about who I spend my time with. I need to be around people that bring out the best of me.
2. Alone time is good.
Everyone always wants to be around friends, classmates, family, etc. Many people find time spent by themselves lonely or a waste. However, I have realized that being alone provides me with the best time to relax and think. Enjoying spending time with yourself is really important.
3. Tell people what they mean to you.
Remember to tell your friends and family how much you love them. How much you appreciate everything they do for you. How you would do anything for them. You have no idea how much this could mean to someone you care about.
4. There's no time to hold on to toxic people.
Whether its a friendship or a romantic relationship, life is too short to wait for people who don't give you happiness. We all want to believe that people can change, that you just need to give it time, but in reality, this will most likely not happen. You need to fill your life with people that make you smile, and not those that cause you to stay up at night sad or worried. Make this decision for you, and don't look back.
5. There is nothing like the present.
I am guilty of this too, but my generation tends to look forward instead of living in the moment. Taking advantage of every moment will lead to building the greatest memories and build strongest relationship. There's no point in stressing over a future job that I can not control, when I have people around me now that I can enjoy the now with.