Human's best friends have always been dogs, some of the most loyal and loving animals. One thing people don't realize though is that dogs make humans better people by teaching them valuable life lessons, disguised by cute puppy faces and wet little noses. So if you haven't paid close attention to your dog's knowledge already, here's a look into what dogs can teach humans.
Never will your dog leave or love another as much as they do you. Your dog will always be faithful to you, no matter what happens, and that’s something anyone can appreciate.
Love deeply:
When you’ve had an awful day and you just need a pick me up, your dog is always there with tons of sloppy kisses and a happy face to turn your day around. No matter how much you get frustrated with them, scold them for chewing up your favorite shoes, or tell them they can’t have any table scraps, they still love you with all of their little hearts.
Your dog will always protect you, whether it be barking at the mailman or checking out the dogs next door to make sure they aren’t dangerous. They will always look out for your best interest, much like you do for them.
Home doesn’t feel like home without your dog waiting by the door upon your every return. Our dogs give us a sense of security knowing that they’re always there, giving us just as much of a homey feeling as we give them.
Even when they’re bad, they’re still good:
You could be so frustrated with your dog, ready to ship them off to doggie daycare just so you can have a break from them. But as soon as they look up at you with those big, puppy dog eyes, you know you can’t be mad at them any longer. Five minutes later, you know you won’t be mad.
Don’t be too serious:
Life may be hard and get a bit “ruff,” but no matter what, life should always be fun. Your dog is a perfect example of this. When you’re sad, you know they can sense it and will always try to cheer you up. When you’re trying to scold them, you know they’ll do something crazy that makes you laugh when you’re trying to be serious.
Dogs may have four paws and lots of hair, but they still help us grow, achieve, and better ourselves while pushing us to be the people we always wanted to be. And here you thought they were just a dog this whole time.