1. Thank you.
You don't get thanked enough for the countless hours, dollars, hugs and even yells that you put in every day. Without your love and discipline, this new journey wouldn't be possible. While I may have only gotten my "bonus dad" (known to most as a step-dad) eleven years ago, you have taken those eleven years and turned them into a lifetime of guidance, love and support. I am eternally grateful that your paths crossed so that I could claim you as my parents. Thank you.
2. I'm sorry.
For arguing with my siblings; for taking an eternity to do the laundry; for going through my I'm-Gonna-Marry-Cody-Simpson phase. You talk with me, you help me finish the laundry and you waited in line for hours with me so that I could meet my childhood heartthrob. I'm sorry that I don't always think about how what I want affects you, but thank you for being there and loving me through it all.
3. Jesus loves me (this I know).
I know that because of you. You have brought me to church every Sunday, driven hundreds of miles to take me to camps and spent hours discussing theology with me. You have planted the seeds of faith, hope and love within me. You gave me the foundation of faith, but allowed me to explore my own beliefs. I want to be in ministry and serve The Lord because of all that you have done for me.
4. Laugh often.
Through everything that life has thrown at us, you both manage to make me laugh. You have taught me not to take myself so seriously; to laugh when I fall into the baptismal pool; to always look for the positive. You have shown me to be a ray of sunshine in the lives of others, and even when they're dorky, to tell jokes often.
5. Please.
I know adjusting from a bustling house of five down to a house of four is going to be rough. I know that mom will cry and dad will sit in his spot rubbing his beard. I know that this is how you both cope with life, each unique to you. But as you each cope in different way, please remember that you have always been by my side and that doesn't end here. While our daily lives may be different starting next month, I still need you. So when I call you at 3 a.m. because I blew a tire on the way to Cookout, remember that you are definitely still a part of this journey.