Some say a word is just a word until you give it meaning. I would definitely have to agree with that statement. Some words have more meaning than they appear to have on paper. If I were to look up the word "home" in the dictionary, it would describe some building that people live in. While that very much describes a house, to me that does not describe a home. To me a home is so much more than the place that I sleep at most nights. It's more than the place I park my car and keep all my things. To me home is everything.
Home to me is laying with my best friend and laughing about absolutely nothing until our sides hurt so bad and we can barely breathe. It's receiving "drive safe" and "I miss your face" texts at all times of the day.
Home is the excitement in my stomach when I fly to Colorado to see my cousins. It's the fresh air around the mountains and the relaxed atmoshere in the energy of everyone around me there.
Home is calling my Gramma for advice on nursing questions and three in the morning calls when life gets a little too rough. It's pinning clothes pins on Gramma while she's not paying attention and getting my butt handed to me in rummy by my Oppa.
Home is my Big and other people I am close to telling me they care about me. It's the little things they do that show it over and over again.
Home is my kitten nuzzling up to my face and making soft purrs. It's him waking me up at five in the freaking morning because he thinks it's time to play.
Home is where I feel the safest and comfortable. Home is where my troubles seem to melt away and the smile on my face grows and grows. Home is where the bad days don't seem so bad and where the hugs are the only protection from harms way that I need. Home is the people in my life that make me feel both good about myself and good about the world. Home is so very important to me. When I feel safe and cared for I feel at home. It's the kind of feeling I can't go to long without feeling before I start to lose my mind. Home is where the heart is. And that is everything to me.