Which Harry Potter Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
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Which Harry Potter Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

No school is complete without passionate professors, and the same goes for Hogwarts. Which are you?

Which Harry Potter Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
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A school is nothing without passionate professors, and the same goes for Hogwarts. Which professor are you?

Aries: Firenze

Aries are quite outgoing, and anyone who has read the Harry Potter series knows for a fact how much trouble Firenze's outgoing nature got him into with his Centaur compatriots. Your intense faith in life and humanity leads you into situational self-sacrifice and conflict with your friends and family, but you will stand up for those around you no matter the cost. Athletic and dynamic, you can stride through the forest or conquer at the Battle of Hogwarts easily, and who knows? Perhaps at the end of your struggle, those who lacked the faith you have always had may come around to your way of thinking.

Taurus: Horace Slughorn

Those born under Taurus pursue a comfortable life of financial security and luxury, just as Horace Slughorn always does. Like Slughorn, you may be found relaxing in a remote home, far from where anyone could find you, collecting pretty things and feasting on your favorite candies. Despite hating conflict, when those you love are in trouble, Taurus has no issue joining the fray and trying to make things right! Brave at heart, these bulls will battle even the greatest of evils head-on.

Gemini: Albus Dumbledore

Those born under Gemini have a great thirst for knowledge and new experiences, just like Albus Dumbledore. As you learn and grow during your adventures, people gravitate towards your positive and creative energy. Just as Gemini is considered to be double-sided, Dumbledore began his career at Hogwarts as the Transfiguration teacher and revealing his multifaceted, funny nature. People may think you're odd, but you're really just trying to do your best no matter the consequences with the time you've been given, and you don't have time to worry about keeping up appearances!

Cancer: Charity Burbage

Cancers are the most likely of all signs to advocate for muggles, just as Professor Burbage did. Despite their cantankerous nature, Cancers are caring and devoted to helping others. Professor Burbage was murdered for educating people that muggles were equal to wizards, and Cancers, too would stand up for what they believed was right and just to the very end, because of their deep wells of empathy. Don't be fooled, however, by their romantic nature, because their bark is as big as their bite!

Leo: Bartemius Crouch Junior

Leos are born to lead, which explains why Barty Crouch Junior couldn't stand to be kept captive by his father for long. Their loyalty and devotion are reflected by the intensity with which Barty obeyed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's commands, and the heartbreak he experienced when his father condemned him to Azkaban. Stylish in nature and proud, Leos can perfectly perform in front of others, just as Barty became Mad Moody flawlessly.

Virgo: Dolores Umbridge

If you're a Virgo, you may feel the need to align all of your belongings tidily, just like our least-favorite person ever. People often rely on you, just as the ministry relied on Umbridge to oversee Hogwarts, because of your sense of responsibility and duty. You don't have to be evil or a cat person to identify with the way that Umbridge organized her life and took care of business, however. Anyone can appreciate her work ethic, right?

Libra: Minerva McGonagall

Dear Libra, every other sign is jealous of you right now. Like Minerva McGonagall, you can clearly see the consequences of any individual choice, and plan accordingly to be able to bring balance to your surroundings. Though you care about those around you, you have no trouble sticking it to the man when it comes to unjust or rude behavior. Libra will restore order to the classroom of life, just as Minerva did in her many years of teaching at Hogwarts.

Scorpio: Filius Flitwick

Despite Flitwick's sweet nature, in the Battle of Hogwarts, we are able to see another, powerful side of him as he fights the Dark Lord. Scorpios, often considered the most "powerful" of all signs, are able to command magic of their own in social situations. The intensity of their ambition helps them as they gain knowledge and progress along their career path, just as Flitwick remained a model student throughout all his years and eventually became a professor of Hogwarts and the Headmaster of Ravenclaw.

Sagittarius: Rubeus Hagrid

Sagittarius, the hunter, is known for their exuberance and love of life, just like Rubeus Hagrid. Adventurous and kind, Sagittarius will do anything to protect their loved ones. In the darkest of situations, a Sagittarius is exactly who you need by your side, to lift you up and carry you. Despite often being underestimated by those who would judge them, the people closest to Sagittarius know the depth of their potential. Loyal, loving, and true like our favorite Care of Magical Creatures professor, Sagittarius will be your best friend in no time!

Capricorn: Severus Snape

Capricorns are well renowned for their patience, and of all the professors on the planet, none was more patient than Severus Snape. With the ambition inherent to Capricorns, he climbed his way to the top of the food chain, in order to stand up for what he thought was right. While perhaps he was awkward and antisocial, his friends knew the greatness of his character and integrity. Capricorn is ambitious, practical, and poised to strike, just like Severus Snape.

Aquarius: Gilderoy Lockhart

Despite being the biggest letdown of the century, Gilderoy Lockhart shares many admirable qualities with his fellow Aquarians. Aquarius is often regarded as "leader" to all zodiac signs and is able to put on a brave face and steer on through the darkness. Maybe Lockhart didn't perfectly exemplify these qualities in the Chamber of Secrets, but his vigor for life and way of leading people on certainly helped him get ahead of the game in life. His clever devisings led him to the fame, fortune, and admiration he always craved. Likewise, Aquarians are clever enough to get all the fruit they desire from life if they will only reach out and take it. Not to mention, just like Gilderoy Lockhart, everyone is a huge fan of Aquarius!

Pisces: Sybill Trelawney

To be a Pisces, you don't have to be dreamy, dreary, and wear weird shawls. However, an undeniable part of your character is your tendency to romanticize life, just like Professor Trelawney. Pisces are able to clearly see their dreams and would excel at Divination classes. Being sensitive and receptive to their opinions, desires, and emotions helps them to clearly realize a path towards their goals. However, their great creativity and sense of imagination may lead them to be scoffed at, just as everyone scoffed at the bad omens Trelawney found in Harry's cup. Don't worry, Pisces- she was right!

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