These next five months will go flying by; prom and graduation are just around the corner, so get ready to say goodbye. Be grateful in these next couple of months because as much as you think you dislike your classmates, you will actually miss them. Or you will at least miss the moments you all had together.
Make sure your last few months are filled with laughter and pure love. Do not get caught up in drama that can easily be avoided. Hang out with as many of your friends as you can, you may not be friends with them in future. Go on late night drives, eat as much as you all want, ladies- have multiple sleepovers, fellas- play as many games as you can, do activities within your area so you will always remember your hometown. Just please do not get so caught up in the party scene. You will have all of your college years to go grow up and party, do not make it a lifestyle in your last couple of months in high school. Live in the moment, appreciate everything around you.
Please do not forget about your family. These last months are crucial for your parents because they are slowly coming to the realization that you will be leaving them for college. Therefore, do not be so upset when they do not let you go out, they probably just want to spend time with you. Slowly learn to open up to your parents more and more, learn from them. Soon you will be on your own and you will have to learn after your own mistakes. Give them hugs, when you are crumbling down during finals week all you would like is a big hug from your parents telling you that it will all be okay. Thus be grateful you have your parents around to help and care after you. Do not neglect your siblings, do not push them away when they want to talk or hang out with you. Throughout college you will miss everything about them, even the annoying fights you get into. Make sure you let your family know how much you love them these last couple of months, because soon you will have to get used to just phone calls and facetimes.
Please do not stress out if you do not get into your top choice college or university- it is not the end of the world trust me. I am currently at a school that was nowhere near my top of choices, but I honestly could not be happier! Do not be so focused on school, life works in a weird way. Make sure you have back-ups and be ready to take on whatever life throws at you. You never know, you could be happier at a different school that you have not given yourself the chance to think about.
Have a tremendous time at prom, your last pep rally, last snow days, and graduation. You will reminisce back to these moments and wish you have actually taken advantage of them, so do not forget to live. High school is high school, it is not a make it or break it type of situation. Do not forget that you are technically still a child, take advantage of that as well- you will soon be faced with many responsibilities. College will be so much better, just hang in there!