K: If you ever receive a "k" from a girl, you probably messed up big time. This text is a passive-aggressive way of saying, "you annoy me and I don’t want to talk to you anymore." You better be running to the store to buy your girl some flowers to make up for whatever you did wrong!
Whatever: This is another classic line used by every girl. This is your girl's way of saying, "I’m pretending like I’m not mad at you, but if you’re smart you’ll know that you just said something that I’m not happy about."
Haha: The "haha" text usually means that whatever you just said did not make her laugh … not even a little bit. She's probably thinking, "that was really just not funny at all, but I’ll be nice and pretend like it was".
HAHAHA: Okay, that was actually funny this time. Whatever you just said made her laugh for real. Good job.
What are you up to?: This is a girl's way of trying to sound relaxed while wanting to know exactly what you are doing. "Where are you? Are you with another girl? Why aren’t we hanging out right now?"
How was your night?: Again, she is trying to sound relaxed. But after your crazy night out at the bar all she really wants to know is, "did you make out with any girls last night?"
Yeahhh: When you receive this text, you should consider just ending the conversation. Your girl is either in a bad mood or she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. She is just so not into the conversation.
Fine: This one is a classic. It's a pretty valid assumption that 99.9% of the time a girl says "I am fine" she is so not fine.
Sooooo: Uh ooh. You just made this conversation so awkward. But at least the "soooo" text is better than no text. Just change the subject, like right now.
Cool: She doesn't think whatever you just said was cool. What she really wanted to say was, "are you kidding …"