What Headset Do Pro Valorant Players Use?
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What Headset Do Pro Valorant Players Use?


What Headset Do Pro Valorant Players Use?

Players of Valorant use the best gaming headsets available.

What Headset Do Pro Valorant Players Use?

Players of Valorant use the best gaming headsets available. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or just looking for a good pair of earbuds to listen to your music, you'll find the perfect headset for you at Valorant.

Looking for the perfect pro gaming headset? Look no further than the pro valorant gaming headsets! These headsets are perfect for gamers who want to experience the best possible audio and video quality while playing their favorite games. Looking for the best gaming headset for pro valorant players?

Our selection of headsets for gamers includes headsets from top brands like Razer, Logitech, and HyperX. See List ofBest headsets for valorant.

What makes a headset good for VALORANT?

A headset that is good for VALORANT is comfortable to wear, has good sound quality, and provides you directional soundeffects.

The first thing you want is a headset with decent sound quality, the second is comfort, and the last is largely personal preference.

While there are many great headset options out there, if you're serious about gaming you're going to be spending multiple hours with a headset on top of your head and you mustn't want to be wearing something that irritates you or

is uncomfortable. So which are the best gaming headphones? The answer is, that different people have different opinions and preferences.

Each has its merits. The main advantage of a headset is the fact that it is attached to your headphones, allowing you to bring your music with you anywhere without having to worry about running out of earbuds, and also allowing you to be able to hear your surroundings while gaming. On the other hand, if you want an external microphone, then you might be interested in trying one of the higher-end headsets.

A good quality headset with a built-in microphone is a must-have. There are many other options to consider though if you'd like to step up to the next level of professional video game broadcasting.

Sports gaming headsets, whether they're wired or wireless, are a must when you play sports games, streaming or otherwise. With the wireless feature of this headset, you can play while away from your PC, plus your microphone quality is far better than using an external one with a USB connection.

What headset do pro valorant players use?

Some valorant pro players use gaming headsets that suit their style of gaming. If you're looking for a comfortable gaming headset, then the Logitech G Pro X is what I'd recommend. It's comfortable, has a good microphone and sound quality and has a very good price.

Valorant Pro Player: Shroud

Valorant Pro Player Shrouduses a Logitech G pro X wireless gaming headset. Let's discuss this gaming headset in detail.

Logitech G PRO X

The ultimate in gaming headsets for professionals. You can stream audio from your games as well as your movies and music all over the house, with just a single connection. It's equipped with a 50mm precision driver that delivers incredibly realistic, in-game sounds.

The Lightning-Fast Wireless Pick

If you are considering the best wireless headphones, consider the Logitech PRO X Wireless Headphones.

The game’s graphics engine allows for stunning visual effects that can take your breath away. The gameplay is smooth, intuitive, and highly enjoyable.

Driver and Sound

You'll love the clarity and precision the PRO-G 50mm Drivers provide with incredible surround sound!

I am very pleased with the DTS HEADPHONE surround sound! The sound is amazing and the clarity and precision are great.

Logitech G’s Pro X headset is the best gaming headset for Valorant available today. It has superior ergonomics, a new level of audio fidelity, and superb proximity awareness to give you a decisive advantage on the battlefield.


The microphone makes it one of the clearest headset mics on this list of pro players. With VO!CE technology from Blue, the Blue VO!CE headset reduces background noise while making your voice sound richer, cleaner, and more professional.

Control Sliders

You can control the PRO X headset by pressing the buttons on its cable or the left-hand slider. On the headset itself, there are only the most basic volume and mic toggle switches.

Weight, Comfort, and Aesthetics

It’s all about comfort, right? The PRO X has a solid steel and aluminum frame, which means this thing is built to take quite a few Valorant games without giving up or loosening up.

The steel headband and aluminum fork don’t get in the way of your comfort, either. The frame is surrounded by extensive ultra-comfortable memory foam, wrapped in premium leather or velvet.

Logitech has added even more customizability to the Logitech G PRO X headset. The Logitech G PRO X has extra memory foam earpads that help keep you cool during an extended gaming session.


What you want for a game like VALORANT is a headset (or a pair of headphones) that isn't trying to be too cinematic. During a hectic firefight, you don't want the sound of reloading or defusing the enemy to be drowned out as those sounds could mean the difference between winning and losing a round.

The best headsets for playing your favorite games include the ones featured in this article, and what model will fit your needs depends on your budget, preferences, and the environment in which you play.

There are lots of great headsets out there, and this list should help you choose the best option for you. If you have any questions you can get in touch with us on Twitter, Instagram, or in the comment section below.

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