Whether it be in a positive or negative way, everyone knows the name Donald Trump. The Republican candidate won nearly every state from Super Tuesday elections, and is more than likely going to be the Republican choice for the presidential election. So many believe that his ideas are radical, his attitude is ridiculous, and his language and attitude is vulgar. Shockingly enough, however, I do have a lot of friends who are Trump fans, and no matter where we are or what we're talking about, I just look at them and think to myself, "Why?"
Do they think he's going to build the wall?
Do they hope he's actually going to "make America great again"?
Heck, do they really all hate being in an accepting country and offering help to those in need?
These are all great questions.
"He's the only candidate who tells it like it is!" says one friend.
So you support a candidate who openly mocks people with disabilities, because it's "honest" of him to do so? Let's recall the time he was campaigning in South Carolina and brought up a reporter of the New York Times. Trump decided it was humorous to mimic the man's disability, which impairs movement of his arms. This was not only inappropriate and flat out rude, but also ridiculously childish. Trump only embarrassed himself that night, by proving that he is not acting like a man, but rather like a young boy.
"Trump is a business man AND rich, so he will know how to fix our financial corruption," says another.
I realize everyone fails once in a while, but if you have seen the list of this man's failures, you'd basically believe YOU could build a better corporate foundation. We're talking about Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Casinos, Trump Mortgages, etc. The list could just keep on going.
"Nobody is looking out for the white guys anymore, but he is," says someone.
Excuse me, but are YOU being persecuted for the color of skin? Are YOU afraid to walk alone, day or night, for fear that you could be shot at, simply because you're white? Are YOU stereotyped when you walk into a store because the manager is scared you'll steal something, just because you have a hood up? Do YOU dread going to the airports because of what people think when they look at you, and how TSA just "randomly" selects you for a search? Are YOU a victim of racial jokes about how you "mow the lawn"? When there becomes a big enough reason for someone to start looking out for the "white guys" and focus less on ACTUAL racial equality problems, you let me know, and then maybe we can sit down and have a chat.
Though your political views aren't everything, and though my friends are still my friends, even if they choose to vote for Trump, who you support does say a lot about you as a person. I'm not saying that Trump fans are as disrespectful, racist, and bigoted as he is, but some are. I understand how dangerous it is that Trump is a smooth talker and very convincing, but be careful when you vote for the country's next president. We need to make America great again, but we can't do it on Trump's terms.