OK, guys, I feel like this has been a long time coming for a lot of people. It's time we discuss a stupid made up word that comes from another stupid made up word to create a term that is meant to be offensive and hurtful, even though it seems to make people just look stupid. I'm here to tell you what you can and should do, for the sake of others.
So there I was, doing my usual Facebook creeping and commenting. I commented on an article from my local newspaper that was pretty progressive and liberal, and someone had to throw out the dreaded term, "libtard," because he didn't like what I had to say. I felt my blood boil, and I realized something needed to be said about this. There are few terms, or sayings, you could call me or use (aside from maybe insulting my grandma) that would make me cringe or dislike you more than the term "libtard". Being a liberal has this stigma placed on it that I’m unintelligent, and cringe “retarded.” Even though we have been fighting so hard for years to kill the word “retard”, it always seems to creep back up when we least expect it, especially when it comes to politics and our current president. While our president himself has not seemed to use the dreaded and offensive word, he has been seen making fun of those who are mentally handicap, which does not look good for those who follow him, especially since they seem to think like he does so they create these awful terms for us liberals, such as that stupid word “libtard”. Coined as conservative’s term for people who are liberal and suspected 'unintelligent', the term is so offensive that most people don't even know what they're saying when they use it. (From now on, let’s just refer to it as the r-word, shall we? Because we’re all smarter than that.)
Why does this term offend me so?
Before you start assuming, it's not because I am a "snowflake liberal", as many like to say. It's more so because we place this huge dictation on not using the r-word because let’s face it, the word is ugly and offensive, yet people sink so low to make such jabs at liberal people that they think it's okay to combine "retard" with liberal. They think it's okay to say because it gets their point across and their attack has succeeded. However, what about the people who you fight so hard for, the mentally handicap people who doesn't deserve that word being passed around? You are taking a term that you think is targeted at liberals, but instead ends up taking a whole group of people who have done nothing. They are just people who just so happen to have this awful term coined to, a term that should be dead. There is never a proper use for the r-word. NEVER.
You know what I have to say to people who use this grotesque term?
You're unintelligent and uninformed. You don't care about others. Or maybe you're just so shut off from the world that you think this word is okay? It's not. You need to stop. You need to care. You need to think for yourself and stop letting politics cloud your judgment. Think before you speak, and think of others. You wouldn't walk around saying "retard", so you shouldn’t combine that word with anyone else. Just because your political ideas clash with someone else, that doesn't give you an excuse to be a crappy person. END THE WORD. SPREAD LOVE. BE A GOOD PERSON. Use the other "r-word": Respect!
Also, of you’re looking to help us end the use of the r-word, check out the Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign! http://www.r-word.org/.