Student teaching. You have either been excited or dreaded this moment since the day you become an Education major. The day finally comes. Its your first day and you have suddenly forgot everything that you ever learned in your education classes. What do you wear? Should you be an over achiever and be there 30 minutes early? So, after my first 30 days of student teaching this what I have learned so far.
1. Walk in on the first day like you own the place.
2. Nothing ever goes as planned.
"My lesson plan is perfect!! My professor is going to love it!" Wrong. Nothing ever goes as planned. Nothing.
3. The class that caused you the most tears becomes your favorite.
I left crying every day, because of one class. Turns out they ended up being my favorite class. They just needed a little but of tough love.
4. You learn that comfort comes before fashion.
Those super cute shoes you bought just aren't gonna cut it. Its worth buying the ugly comfy shoes.
5. Take your lunch. School food is more gross than ever.
6. You're gonna cry a lot.
I have to teach an entire unit by myself? No big deal. Okay, maybe it is a big deal and I have no clue what I am doing. You will literally forget how to do everything you learned in college when its your time to go solo.
8. Classroom management isn't as easy as you thought.
You still have to show those kids who is boss.
9. You're immune system fails you when you need it most.
I have been so sick. My sweet kids just love sharing their germs with me.
10. Saying goodbye to your first group of kids breaks your heart.
I had no clue that I could get so attached to 150 students in just 23 days. It literally breaks your heart to leave them. It is a good feeling though to know that you are missed and they did learn something from you! I don't think I'll ever forget those kids!