In the past two weeks, I have been in a classroom setting. I have learned more than I expected from my amazing group of second graders. While acclimating to becoming the main teacher from the observer is hard, I couldn't be doing it in a better classroom.
In this class of second graders, there are 17 students. Each one is unique in their own way, whether it is from their learning styles to what they enjoy to do at home. Through each one of one their own personalities, I have already become a better teacher.
Being that these students are 6 and 7 years old, they are always on the move. This has taught me patience. While I would love them all to sit quietly and do their work in the 40 minute lessons I teach, I know that that isn't going to happen, and I have learned to be ok with that. Sometimes they just need something to fidget with, to go to the bathroom, or to just regain their focus and through patience, I have learned to continue to keep teaching rather than stop and correct them every time.
Another thing my students have taught me is organization. Have you ever had 17 kids throw 3 or 4 different papers at you at once? Of all different sizes? Colors? Shapes even? Welcome to #TeacherLife. Now I know that I need a surplus of folders, binders, paperclips, binder clips, I even know that I need some muscle to carry my bag that has all of this in it. (I promise its heavier than you think)
Thank heavens for my amazing cooperating teacher. Before I was even going to teach a lesson, she already had ways to get me to begin being comfortable in front of the class and gave me ways to give directions to the student. With her guidance, I am more comfortable being able to teach or correct a student than I thought I would be.
Like I said before, I have an amazing group of second graders, and I wouldn't want to be in any other classroom or learn how to become a teacher with any other students.