I have to admit, college has simultaneously been the best and worst several years of my life. There have been times when I’ve been certain that I would never actually graduate, and other times when I’ve thought that signing up for 22 hours in a semester was the best idea I’d ever had (I was usually wrong). Besides what I’ve learned in a classroom setting, though, college has taught me so much about myself, the way I view life, and the way the real world really works. Here’s what I’ve figured out.
1. Buckle up, you’re seriously in for the craziest ride of your life.
2. Never ever go to the library without your laptop charger. It WILL die.
3. ........or your phone charger.......
4. Whether it's your freshman year or you're a sixth year senior, college really is the place where you figure out who your real friends are. Don't be afraid to let the bad ones go & definitely be open to the new ones.
5. Chick-Fil-A only SEEMS expensive in the outside world. It's an entirely new kind of expensive in the student union. What, my tuition doesn't cost enough without your $4 chicken sandwich?
6. You will still pay for the Chick-Fil-A. Every. Time.
7. Sometimes, life gets in the way of school. It's important to remind yourself that school is a priority right now.
8. Carrying a water bottle every day is the best decision you can make.
9. People always say business is "the easiest major," but as long as calculus is required, I will argue that statement.
10. Finding a study method that works for you will literally change your life. This is hard for students who have never had to study to succeed. If you ever attend college at the university level, there's a high chance that you will have to figure it out. Sorry.
11. Freshman forgiveness is truly beautiful. A game-changer no doubt.
12. Parking on campus is not a thing. Like it does not exist. It's a figment of your imagination. What is parking? What are cars? What am I even talking about?
13. AND WHEN YOU DO FIND A PARKING SPOT – You can never trust college students. They somehow find a way to hit your car with their door no matter where you end up.
14. There will probably come a time when checking your bank account and checking your grades are equally stressful tasks. It's hard to say which is scarier.
15. Moving to a place where you have minimal friends is a challenge, but boy does it make you thankful for the ones you do have.
16. Don't forget to call your parents. They love & miss you more than you can imagine. If your mom is like mine, she probably cries happy tears when you take the time to call and say "I love you."
17. During the final crunch of the semester, your private place in the library that you've never seen another soul in will suddenly become just as populated as the rest of the building. I recommend finding somewhere outside to study.
18. Once the barista at Starbucks knows your name, you're screwed.
19. About 90% of the things you need to know can be found on the syllabus.
20. Never forget your purpose. You can do it. Seriously, If I can make an A in calculus, you literally can do anything.