I have always loved the coffee shop atmosphere and decided to get a job at one in high school. Ever since then, it has been so hard to picture myself working anywhere else.
In high school, I started working at a coffee shop with no experience at all. I was able to learn the basics and carry those skills with me when went off to college. One of the coolest things about coffee shops is that each one is different and carries its own character. As a worker, it has been so awesome to expand on the basic coffee making skills and learn the different aspects of each shop.
I am currently working at my third coffee shop and it is probably my favorite so far. It is so unique and contains a strong music appreciation which I love. Living in downtown Charleston makes the experience even better. The city is small but contains a personality that makes small coffee shops even more enjoyable.
Starting off as a barista is not easy. There are so many coffee shops that are obviously very inclined and take coffee making very seriously. This is amazing however, I have been able to see the difference between places like this and shops that have a more comfortable and laid back approach. I have realized that it is much easier to learn in this kind of environment and fully appreciate the experience.
In all the coffee shops I have worked in, each one has created a comfortable and unique environment. Customers seem to be very open in coffee shops and it is so interesting to meet people on a personal level just through serving them coffee.
I have learned that this environment can create personal moments that are special and evoke unforgettable conversations.