As I sit here staring blankly at this screen typing this out now, I can't help but have all these rushing thoughts going through my head. So much in these past few weeks have reignited the fire in society to all become "activists" in one sort or another. I must admit though I fall into that category every time something happens though. It is a bad habit because, like my brother says, I always have to find something to argue about. I just love to argue I guess, but that is not what I am writing about today.
Today I am writing about the fact that people in today's society have such weird perceptions of life. In one way I see people wishing cops weren't a thing and in others, I see how people wish Muslims were banned from the country. In some, I see how they are kneeling for the anthem and in others I see materialism. What has society come to? Really ask yourself that question. No seriously do it. I'll lean back and take a sip of my tea while you think. Done yet? OK, I'll start a new paragraph.
I asked myself that question the other day when I saw a friend of mine tell me that a student they taught who was 7 years old was awake at 3 a.m. before school to stand in line for an iPhone 7! An iPhone 7!!!!!! Like really what is a 7 year old going to do with it? I saw it when a man made pressure cooker bombs trying to kill and injure as many people as he can. I asked myself that question when a cop shot an African American man while getting out of his car. I asked myself that question when I saw the riots in Charlotte. I asked myself that question when I saw people trying to attack police officers.
Those police officers are people just like you and me. I have a job, you have a job, and they have a job. They are trying to help their family, just like you and me. They aren't doing anything wrong but doing their job! You can't blame a group of people for something one or few did wrong. That's like proclaiming you hate the German people because of what Hitler and the Nazis did.
When I asked myself that question I answered it quite simply by saying this society has come to hating. There is so much hate in this world. There is hate every way that I turn. Cops, Liberals, Conservatives, Whites, Blacks, Muslims Christians, Jews, Politicians, Businessmen, Media, all these people are just that, people and until this society can stop the hate, the slanderous libel, the fighting among one another, and learn to love, that is when society will start to incline. That is when I can stop fearing for the future. When people can put differences aside and just LOVE?!