I was seven when I first decided to be a Christian, or so I thought. I grew up in church with my father as a devoted minister and my mother as a huge support to him. I believed every word the Bible said, but it wasn't until the age of 18 I realized something terribly wrong.
I wasn't truly saved. I never truly gave my life to Christ.
I didn't know how to feel at all, but boy was I scared. See, I had doubted my salvation for 11 years, and I finally had a good scare one night during the summer. I heard about the time doing some weird thing that night, and I thought Jesus was going to make His second appearance without taking me to heaven too.
That had been my biggest fear all my life. I dreamed about it, I thought about it, and I even got scared when I didn't know where my parents were.
But on that beautiful summer night I called up my father, who was out of town, and I asked him for help. He took me through a few verses, and I had to come to the realization that I wasn't saved.
It was there I decided to give my whole life to Christ.
It was embarrassing because everyone thought I was saved, but that's why God is with me. It was weird being a new Christian because normally new Christians know just a little bit about God and the Bible, but I never realized I would have the ability learn things about God now that I have the Spirit in me.
I was so grateful to finally feel fully assured of my salvation.
Now, I have had the Holy Spirit inside of me for nearly two years, and I couldn't be more thankful for God's timing and all He's done for me. I'm thankful for my parents being dedicated Christians. Finally, I'm thankful for God saving me.