We were not designed to figure everything out and struggle to find the way. We are fully equipped with a brilliant guidance system to effortlessly show us what to do through our feelings, intuition, and inspiration, so long as we focus in a way that is in our highest and best interest. The trouble many of us experience is our attention and focus on the how, when, and where, keeping that of which we want just out of reach. Once we begin to focus on what we want, and why we want it, the how will come.
Where our focus lies is of the utmost importance for that is what we will continue to experience. By bringing our focus on the how and when, we will continue to ask ourselves the same questions. If we think about what we want, but are coming from a feeling place of not having it yet, we will continue to feel the lack of it. "What we focus on, think about, stress about and worry about will manifest in our lives. Choose better thoughts and you will create a better story." - Roy Smooth Being the way you imagine yourself to be and feel once you attain what you want, and focusing on things that will bring you those feelings, is the recipe for success. "We do not attract what we want, but what we are." - James Lane Allen
I'm not here to tell you that if you meditate for hours, focus on millions of dollars, and feel the having of it, you'll open your eyes and find a pile of money on your lap, but you will become more receptive to situations, events, or ideas that will bring you closer to it. We have the gift of choice, and in any moment can choose where we want our focus and attention to go. The more we choose to focus in ways that make us feel good, and think positively about what we want and why, the how will come.
Mindartists tip:
To help allow the how to be realized by you, write down what you want (A certain amount of money, a certain car, or job etc.) and read it for a minimum of three times a day for at least 30 seconds. Focus on what you want (NOT what you don't want. Ex: "$5,000 a month", instead of "Being out of debt") and conjure the feeling of having it.