As senior year rolls around so does the excitement of starting a new chapter in life. Many school days are spent in your guidance counselor's office planning for, dealing with, and complaining about this process. Soon College Board becomes covered with all of one's top schools. Pinterest boards become filled with images and ideas of the dream dorm room. Other social media sites are smothered with fellow classmates sharing their joy as they get into their desired schools. But, this joy is not for everyone. Jealousy and anticipation are more present in others processes. Hopefully, not every one has to go through the devastating moment of realization and crushed daydreams of being denied from the perfect school. But, it does happen. Even through the unplanned sadness or anticipation, everything works out the way it should. So to all the graduating seniors, be confident in whatever happens during this weird, exciting time, even if everything seems to be falling apart. You got this.
College is a time where many teens are eager to jump right into this new chapter of their lives. The search usually begins the spring of one's junior year into the fall of their senior year. Yet the stress continues for every waking moment of all four years to find your own perfect fit. Individuals must find a school that suites their price range, desired major, preferred distance from home and all of the other extras. When one finds their perfect school, it's like falling in love as portrayed in the movies. You begin to picture yourself walking around that campus with your new friends. You start planning all the little things about the next four years at a new school in your head. But, when that little white envelope haunts the mailbox everything great imagined is changed.When this occurs everything comes crashing down. It feels as though you created a beautiful portrait on a chalkboard that made perfect sense, then a stranger came by and wiped it clean. You are left to move on as quickly as possible, and find your next dream school.
You have the acceptance letters, the deferral letters, and the rejection letters, but in the end of this long process, you end up where you're meant to be. You move on and forget about the schools that weren't lucky to have you as one of their own. Soon enough, you will be living in a dorm where you expected to be or even where you least expected to end up. The senior year drama will be the least of your concerns when you're enjoying the whole idea of college and being on your own this upcoming fall. Before you know it, you'll be sporting your schools apparel with a smile on your face, wherever that may be. You are destined for greatness, and any where you end up you will be able to accomplish those great things with the right mindset.
Although things may not always work out the way you planned on it, everything that happens is meant to happen that way. We are built with the ability to choose what is right for ourselves and to overcome obstacles. No matter what occurs throughout the course of life, we are not capable to please everyone around us. It is most important to remember to and prioritize putting our own happiness first. This point in life is a true test to see if we are able to do this. Senior year can be a mix of emotions ranging from stressful, terrifying and also extremely exciting.
So, to all of the seniors out there whether you are receiving big exciting envelopes or the smaller white envelopes, be fearless. Before you know it you will be sitting next to your classmates with a graduation cap on top of your head. So, congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors wherever you end up.