1. You feel lost when they're not home.
Even when it's only been five minutes.
2. You can say goodbye to personal space and privacy.
I noticed that your door was closed so I opened it and came on in.
3. You always have someone to drag along with you.
It doesn't really matter we are going, you have to come along.
4. You SnapChat each other while in the same room.
5. You learn more about them than you ever thought was possible.
6. And yet you don't even flinch at the weird crap they do.
7. You have someone to approve (or criticize) all your outfits.
8. You become overly comfortable with one another.
Open door policy doesn't even need to be mentioned, it's a given.
9. You find your personal therapist, partner in crime, mom and biggest critic all in one person.
10. You find yourself staying in more often than going out.
Nothing beats hearing your best friend saying, "You don't wanna go out? Okay let's order some food and binge on Netflix."
11. Your closet doubles in size.
When your closet filled with clothes isn't giving you any good options you can just head over to their room and say, "I'm borrowing a shirt," and they don't even care.
12. You become a mind reader.
You're fine? BULL CRAP! You have a crappy day where some guy treated you like crap and all you want to do is curl up in a little ball on your bed while eating ice cream and watching Netflix.
13. The amount of blackmail you have on them increases dramatically.
14. What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours.
15. Your significant other becomes more like a third wheel.
Special shoutout to my bf who claims he's officially feeling like the third wheel! love ya (:
16. You love them more than you ever thought you could.
Special shoutout to my best friend for living with me and putting up with my crap!