We all live comfortable lifestyles. We do what we want to do, when we want to do it. We make decisions that benefit ourselves. We put ourselves first and do things that make us happy. We surround ourselves with people we enjoy spending time with. Everything we do is comfortable and we wouldn’t dream of stepping outside the box and entering a world of new possibilities. Straying from the familiar is a scary thing but holding ourselves hostage to the normalcies of life can take a toll on our adventurous side. We can only watch the same TV shows, have dinner with the same friends and party at the same bars so much before boredom strikes and leaves us asking, “What now?”
Routines are safe. I wake up in the morning, get ready for the day, read and write, go to class, go to work, go home and read and write some more, watch some TV and then go to sleep. That’s the bulk of my day wrapped up into one, tiny sentence. I see my friends throughout the day. I snack and drink coffee when I read. I listen to music when I walk to and from class. I do these things every day. If a curveball is thrown my way—say class gets cancelled or I have a medical emergency—then I freak out. I don’t like to stray far from my comfort zone but sometimes straying is necessary to enjoy the little things in life.
My best friend’s dad surprised her with concert tickets to see Lee Brice, Justin Moore and William Michael Morgan for her birthday. He bought four tickets for her and three of her friends. Of course I was invited to go with her even though I’m not a big country music fan. I listen to country music occasionally; I like a few country artists. But never in a million years would I attend a country concert. (I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy a ticket, I mean.) Despite not being a country music fan, I said yes to attending the concert with her. I said yes to something I would normally say no to—and I actually enjoyed myself!
The concert was amazing. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know the words to every song. I had a great night with amazing friends. We danced, we sang and we drank a few beers. For me, the night was about appreciating good music and the company of friends. We even got to meet William Michael Morgan and take a picture with him after the concert. Something good came out of a night I thought would be dull and boring.
Saying yes to going to a concert you wouldn’t pay to see yourself is just one example of the many scenarios we will face in life. Say yes to having coffee with your friend before class. Say yes to going to church even if you haven’t been in five years. Say yes to auditioning for a role in a play that is far from who you really are as a person. Life is full of little surprises. We have to dig deeper beneath the surface to find happiness.
Don’t let your safe routine become lifeless. The more you do something over and over and over again, the more you turn into an unhappy zombie simply walking through life without thinking about what you’ll do tomorrow. Routines may be safe but sometimes we need excitement and fun (and a little bit of danger) to keep us alive.
There are surprises hidden around every corner in life. You’ll never experience them if you keep saying no to things that scare you.
Repeat after me: “Yes.” See, that wasn’t so hard. Now go out and try it yourself. The world is yours.