I have never been one to really get into politics. I tend to keep my opinions to myself, because oftentimes I am not very knowledgeable in this area, and I don't want to share my voice when I do not have a lot of information to back it up. I do know that we are currently in one of the most debatable and dividing political seasons in our country's history. I do, however, have an opinion on the divide between Americans.
I believe that we all have a right to our opinion. Whether your opinions agree with mine or not, I will respect you. I will not try to force you to believe what I believe, and I hope that you will treat me with the same mutual respect. That is one of the beautiful things about democracy. Through democracy, we are supposed to have the right to our own opinion without being disgraced for doing so. Even though I am young and have not been around politics very much, I don't believe that our country is practicing the democracy and freedom in which it was founded on.
I understand that many people are not happy with the outcome of the presidential campaign. I also understand that if it had gone the other way, a lot of people would still be unhappy. There was no way to please our entire nation through this political race, but what's done is done. We cannot change it and there is no going back. So I believe that rather than continuing to bicker and fight and have a negative attitude towards our country and its leaders, we need to embrace it. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, we need to stand together, supporting one another and making this country the best it can be.
Even though the majority of us are not a strong force in the political sphere, I believe that we all play a part in this season of political change. We can be stronger and we can be better than this. We should be an example to other nations as to what freedom is. We should also be an example of what UNITY is. The majority of countries are divided in some way or another. Many are killing each other because of their disagreements in views. Why don't we be the country that is different? Why don't we be the country that respects one another, that accepts what is done and moves on towards a better tomorrow?
I am proud to be an American. I do not face persecution based on my beliefs. I have running water, a roof over my head, and warm food to eat on a cold January day. We are lucky, and we are blessed. Too often we forget those simple blessings because we are focused on the latest political upheaval. I hope for a day when we can stand together as Americans, thankful for what we have and hopeful for a more peaceful nation and a more peaceful world.