If you ask anyone who knows me they will undoubtedly tell you that I not only overworked myself in high school with school, extracurriculars, volunteer work, sports and job, but that I continue to overwork myself now. Being involved (almost overly involved) is a part of who I am, and something that I will probably always be inclined to do. However, I have the fine line between being involved and overworking myself to an unhealthy extent. As such, I have learned some lessons over the years about balancing a busy life. Here are some Do's and Don'ts of a busy life:
Prioritize your schedule. Schoolwork will undoubtedly come before extracurriculars, as it should. However, before all of your commitments, remember that your family and your health come above all. No obligation is worth putting your health at risk or never seeing your family. Everything will get done, but don't try to accomplish everything at once.
Blow off your friends because you think you are too busy. In actuality, you probably have a lot to do, but taking a break and spending time with friends is refreshing. Spending all of your time inside constantly working is not a way to live.
Take snacks with you. When you have a packed day that will not allow for meals, take granola bars, trail mix or any snack you want and a water bottle with you. This keeps your energy up and keeps you hydrated, preventing you from suffering from headaches throughout the day.
Push yourself to late hours. Being busy and stretching yourself too thin are too different things. By staying up late one night to ensure that everything gets done is not doing you any favors for when you need to wake up early the next morning to start all over. You will burn yourself out too quickly. This is something I am still guilty of, and am still trying to find the balance. i will say that when I go to sleep sooner and wake up earlier than usual to finish anything I didn't the night before, I feel more refreshed and energized.
Have fun. If you lead a busy life, it is by choice and you enjoy everything you are involved in. Being productive and getting work done is good, but remember to have fun in your commitments. Otherwise, you will be miserable being overbooked with several obligations. The work will seem easier to do if you have fun.
Be afraid to tell someone that you feel overwhelmed. Don't make excuses, but talk to a supervisor, coach or boss and let them know that you might not go to that meeting because you have prior commitments, or if the commitment isn't working with your schedule this semester/month/etc. They will understand, and you will have more energy and sanity. The clubs/sports/etc. will be there next semester, and you can join then. But it will do no one any good if you are overly involved in several commitments and cannot give 100% to all of them because you are stretched too thin.