Guys are usually the ones who do, or are expected to do, sweet things for their girl. Open doors, buy them flowers, surprise them, and do all the little things we find so sweet.
Often times we forget that guys appreciate the little things too. People tend to get caught up in the manly man stereotype that its weird for a guy to speak up and say how he feels or what he'd like.
So, I went out and asked some male classmates, friends, and coworkers "What is one sweet thing guys do for girls that you wish someone would do for you?" and here were their responses.
1. "Buy dinner. Money Sucks..."
Yes, it is becoming more common for women to pay for dinner, or their own dinner, but others still believe its the man's "obligation" to pay. So, no matter how much they insist "i've got it, don't worry!" insist even more and don't take no for an answer because they're probably just as poor as you.
2. "Surprise me. Could be anything from a gift, to a date, or to just being there when I get home."
Often guys will get their girls gifts and they show their appreciation but never do something like that in return. So, plan a couple getaway for the day or weekend, take them on a date, get that miniscule item they keep mentioning they need or want. They're not asking for much.
3. "Play with my hair. Its, like, the best feeling ever!"
Oh yeah it is! I wish someone would play with my hair too! Guys will brush their fingers through their girls hair all the time but they enjoy it too! So, return the favor every once in a while.
4. "Help me carry something..."
Often times guys offer to carry something heavy just to be sweet, but its not common for girls to return the favor. Sure girls like to see their man all macho and strong, but sharing the load is sweeter and I'm sure much appreciated from the guy.
5. "Compliment me!"
Tell him how handsome/sexy he is, how sweet he is, how you feel safe around him, and how helpful he's being when he takes out the trash. Tell him thing you would want to here, and beautiful is a word that can be used to describe a man. Somewhere along the line it became more feminine.
6. "Buy me flowers..."
Flowers are beautiful parts of nature! Guys can enjoy them too, I guarantee if you ask a guy their favorite flower, they will have one. Surprise them with a bouquet of their favorite flowers, everytime they see that flower now, they'll think of you.
7. "It's great, and hot, when they make the first move..."
All it takes is a "hey, my names..." and you've shown interest. Guys think its attractive when a girl makes the first move, whether its an introduction, asking them out, or moving in for the first kiss. It may be nerve racking, but guys feel that way too, so if you want it and you're pretty sure they do too, just go for it.
8. "Ask how my day was, and actually listen..."
Put your phone down and actually listen to how your man's day went. Believe it or not, they do listen to everything you have to complain about, so return the favor. Sit down, make eye contact, and just listen.
9. "Say what they mean or want..."
GiphyGuys are usually pretty straight foward with what they say and do, and it drives them crazy when we say "nothing" is wrong or we "don't care" when we actually do. Its something all girls do that confuses the heck out of guys, so just try to be more clear with your guy.
10. "Hang out with my friends too!"
It's quite common that the girl is more of a social butterfly than the guy, therefore the couple winds up hanging out more with her friends. If you want to impress your guy, make his friends like you and hang out with them. Now, this doesn't mean ditch your friends, just find a balance between who's friends you hang out with.
11. "A kiss on the forehead, or nose, or cheek. Just little signs of affection..."
Guys appreciate the little things too. It makes them feel just as loved as they make us feel.