Not everyone can go to bed feeling like Wiz Khalifa, because there are a million and one annoyances that come about during one's college career. Unfortunately, college is not all fun and games. Fine, college is all fun and games most of the time, especially early in one's undergraduate career, but there are certainly many petty problems of day-to-day college life that just get on everyone's nerves at some point. Sometimes life just grinds your gears in those hallowed university hallways. Here is a list of the top eleven, cause why not?
1) You arrive to campus after 9AM and suddenly cannot find one single parking spot on a campus designed to hold over 30,000 people. Not one single spot anddddddd you're late again to that 10AM class where attendance is taken as soon as class starts and not a second later.
2) On the other hand, you're slowly walking to your car after a long day's work and suddenly become a victim of stalking by that one car who wants your spot and will hassle you to the core until you evacuate the lot.
3) Someway, somehow, there aren't enough seats in the lecture hall that's supposed to hold 400 people and you happen to stumble in late and have to sit in the aisle... Not awkward at all!
4) Time to go to the bathroom cause you just can't hold it in any longer. As you run in like a racehorse, you slip on the bathroom floor because someone decided to flood the bathroom Moaning Myrtle style. You think to yourself this certainly can't be possible in a college environment.
5) Trying to do laundry in the dorms and not one washer or dryer is open. Or worse, you have an open machine, but someone mistakenly poured too much laundry detergent in their load and now the entire laundry room is flooded.
6) Attempting to eat right in order to avoid the freshman 15 or the sophomore 30, but literally not one healthy option is available at 10 o'clock at night. Your best option seems to be a Quest Bar and some almond butter.
7) Having a 7AM on a Friday morning, but your roommate decides to go out the night before and stumble in at 4AM leaving you cranky all day long from a lack of sleep. 7AM's in general were just created to torture the souls of undergraduates.
8)Starbucks is amazing. Starbucks lines in the morning are not amazing. There's a fine line between wanting an iced venti caramel macchiato, and waiting in line for an hour to receive said drink.
9) Your boss puts you on the schedule for a 10AM Sunday morning shift when all you want is to go out and forget all worries the night before, but now you can't turn it up to a level 10 for a fear of being late to work and having to have "that" talk with your employer.
10) Trying to make $50 last all week without having to starve. Subway $5 footlongs and Trail Mix can take you a longgggg way in this world.
11) Simply trying to navigate social life, professional life, class life, personal relationships, and everything in-between, without losing one's sanity. College life can, and will, go 0 to 100 real quick. Sanity is a privilege, not a given right.