What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your life?
Life has a balance and universe works perfectly to everyone.
What ever you do in this life, don't forget that it will return to you later.
Depends on what you do in your life.
What goes around comes around.. Do you believe in karma?
What ever we act, help or hurt, being honest or dishonest, God sees us, follow us and teaches us. Our actions affect our future lives.
Most people have dream to be a famous or to be rich..
Money, fame, power, pleasure...
Money equals power and opens all the doors for you.
Fame and pleasure, attract people's attention.
Sound amazing, doesn't it? But don't forget that everything has a price!
Some famous singers choose the shortest way to be rich or famous for their prestige. Then, their lives begin to fall because of their choices. This is actually another topic. Everything you see on TV is an illusion. People hate or enjoy it after watching a single frame, but we do not know what's behind it.
The reason is, they fall because, issues of drug, loneliness or their lives controlled by a person, by the time they can not handle it anymore.
Let's take a look what celebrities says about life;
"It doesn't matter about money; having it, not having it. Or having clothes, or not having them. You're still left alone with yourself in the end."
-- Billy Idol
"Anybody who thinks money will make you happy, hasn't got money."
-- David Geffen
"The formula of happiness and success is just, being actually yourself, in the most vivid possible way you can."
-- Meryl Streep
"My secret to a happy marriage is just being married to the right woman. I got lucky with the wonderful Rita Wilson. I'm the luckiest man alive."
-- Tom Hanks
"If you can do what you best and be happy, You are further along in life than most people."
-- Leonardo Dicaprio
"Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at things."
-- Walt Disney
Let's think about it for a second, you gained the whole world in your life. You have everything. Money, fame, power, pleasure, prestige, etc... but unfortunately will not give you the happiness and it will never be... Money, fame, power can not buy the happiness!
What good is it to gain the happiness for you?
Monday, March 19, 2018 - 2:58 PM