I'm a history and humanities double major. I'm going to have a minor and a concentration on top of that (I just haven't decided what they're going to be yet). When I tell people this, the usual response is, "So... what are you going to do with that?" To that I respond: I don't know.
Because that's the truth. I don't know what I'm doing with what many people call an "easy" major. I have so many options, I don't even know where to begin. While I'm not going into a direct field, like you would with a biology pre-med major, I still have many options for a career. I'm not destined to be a teacher just because I'm a female with an "easy" major.
What's so great about my major(s) is that I can do absolutely anything I want with them. I could be a teacher if I wanted to. Or I could be a writer, go into advertising, sales, creative departments of many companies, or behind the scenes work for companies and nonprofits. I could work in museums, hospitals, libraries, colleges, offices, on movie sets or in writers; rooms, and I could work almost anywhere in the world. I am not limited to the confines of one direct path, because that's just not for me. With my majors, the entire world is open to me. I can do anything I want.
As a history major, I will be learning as much as I can about events, people, wars, treaties, and everything else you can imagine happened before I was even born. I will learn from what happened before me, in order to make myself a better person. While history does provide more background in a specific field, humanities offers background in many different fields that can be applied in countless situations and workplaces. Humanities is the study of, well, everything. At Wofford, a Humanities major will take courses from the religion, philosophy, history, English, art, art history, and language departments to get an extremely rounded liberal arts education. I get to build my own curriculum set and decide what courses will make up my major. During my senior year, I will complete a capstone project that is about whatever I am most interested in. I, essentially, get to become an "expert" in something that I find extremely fascinating.
Combined, these majors will provide me with an extremely diverse background of many fields. I will be able to do so much more than I can even imagine with my majors. And for someone who is as indecisive as I am, that's probably a really good thing, because I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up."
To answer your question: I have no idea what I'm doing to do with a double major in history and humanities. There are way too many options for me to even begin a list. But I can't wait to take my pick.