Coming from the land of thin crust pizza and fake-tanned people — yeah, you guessed it, Jersey — I was’t quite sure what I would expect going to a university in a world filled with real tans and fake pizza. Here are the four things that stood out to me right away.
1. The People
While people in the West are commonly known for their laid back, care-free personality, we Jersey folk are usually not portrayed in that light, whatsoever. While Jersey people could probably qualify as their own species, just know that we don’t take sh*t from anyone.
2. The Food
Living in the tri-state area all my life has given me the expertise in declaring a good piece of pizza when I see one. If you thought it was impossible to mess up a food which consists of dough, sauce and cheese, then you're wrong. On top of that, my mother's Sunday dinner will sh*t on your mother's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday AND Saturday night dinner, if you're not from Jersey.
3. The weather
Those who live in Southern California or Arizona may not know that four seasons exist, but Jersey gets to experience them all. One day the leaves are green, the next yellow and then they're gone. While in the Southwest, I’ve leaned that there's one season and one season only — hot.
4. The Time Difference
The only real indicator to this matter has been Snapchat. While walking home from a party at four o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday, you would see your east coast friend waking up for an 8 a.m. And not only are you confused at the fact that they have an 8 a.m., you're more confused as to why you're just getting home.
No matter how far away I may be, Jersey will always be home, and I will always be Jersey girl at heart. But while I'm out west, I will be sure to always remind everyone why Jersey is the best, pizza included.