Just a week ago I was starting to get a little bit depressed then my anxiety has been flaring up quite rapidly this past week. Then on top of that my husband and I have recieved some news that we are moving the week of Christmas Eve. We are over the moon esctatic and thankful about moving; it is what we need and is good for us. But with having to go through and pack our things it has me real anxious to move because I am really excited but also we have a short amount of time to have everything ready and I feel we aren't making any progress but also feel we have. My anxiety right now keeps making me break out in rashes and pimples. This has tired me out so much and also leaves me very itchy and not motivated to workout; and not to mention that we have not done any Christmas shopping yet. But what keeps reassuring me and help me see the positive side is everything my husband and I can do together and get back to doing as a couple. And thinking about the real meaning of Christmas and this holiday season and being with family. I sit and think this needs to be done but it has given us the opportunity to help people out by giving them what we don't need, and won't use. Giving back and helping others makes me feel at ease, gives me a sense a hope, and love. And helps me see things in a different perspective. Because we have this opportunity to move it too has giving us the opportunity to give back to people in need. That has helped me manage my anxiety and depression and has helped me rise above the challenges I am facing while moving and there's nothing that can take that feeling away.
Health and WellnessDec 08, 2016
What Giving Back Can Do
Handling anxiety while moving through the holidays