Guys say that girls are complicated because we never really show how we feel or we keep stuff in. But, the stuff we want them to know is pretty much common sense. So, to help us be less complicated here are 10 things girls actually want guys to know.
1. We want to be respected!
We have needs just like you do and we want you to respect us. We don't like to be disrespected and honestly when you disrespect us it's a really big turn off.
2. Stop being a douche in college in college and grow up.
We have to deal with douches in high school and when we graduated we were beyond happy when we didn't have to deal with them anymore. We come to college and we expect to deal with boys that are grown up and adults. We are tired of being games and we want a grown man and not a grown man that acts like he is still in high school. So, if you are that guy please stay away from us.
3. We don't have to talk or see each other everyday.Â
We need our own space too. We may like to spend time with you but, we need our girl time. We mainly just wanna know you care about us even when we are not around.
4. It is hard for us to show our feelings.Â
We want to show you our feelings but, it is super hard for us. We don't want to be "that girl". We don't want you to tell your boys that we are crazy because we tell you our feelings and we are also scared that when we do that you will leave.
5. We aren't your crazy ex!
Please don't assume that we'll treat or do you dirty like they did. We are all different and we don't like being treated or compared to or even have you thinking that we are your crazy ex. That will actually push us away so please stop thinking that.
6. Communication is KEY!
It's not that hard to send us a simple text telling us that you are busy or that you have something going on and you will talk to us later. We know that you are busy and we just wanna know what's going on because if you don't text back we will drive ourselves crazy worrying about you. Please just communicate with us.
7. Girls find out everything!
We can find out absolutely everything even when we don't want too. We tell and talk to our friends about you and they even feel like they basically know you. So, when you do something just know we will be the first to know because girls tell everything and it will get to me before you hear it. So, don't do anything stupid because we don't like to look like a fool.
8. Admit your feelings!
Just tell us how you feel about us. When you don't we stay up all night and wonder how you actually feel. We are not just your late night call when you're lonely because that makes us think that you actually don't feel the way we feel. Just let us know how you feel.
9. Don't convince me or guilt me!
When I don't want to do something or go somewhere, don't try to make me feel bad about it or try to talk me into it. When you do this we end up not enjoying anything and we'll be miserable the whole time. We are our own person and we are stubborn so stop making us do stuff.
10. We want you to hang with your friends.Â
Yes, we enjoy spending time with you. But, hang out with your boys. We aren't here to keep you away from them. We have friends to and we want to spend time with our girls. So, go hang with your boys and we'll go and hang out with our girls because our girls actually keep us sane.