Losing someone to death is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences life can throw at us. Death is the greatest robber of them all, taking away the ability to see them again or make memories again. Every little interaction doesn't seem like it was enough because you can never have them again.
When death happens, it is natural to feel loss. It is natural to grieve, to cry, even to be angry. All those ugly emotions we push to the side strangle us in our throat till we sometimes can't even speak. The sense of losing someone to death is often overwhelming.
Funerals are a time to mourn and say goodbye. They a special time to reminiscence over the departed and cycle through collective memories of them. It is also a time to remember who they were at their core, how they lived their life, and what they represented in this world. It is both an occasion to grieve over your loss and to celebrate the life they've lived.
Funerals in their core represent death, but where there is death there is life. The person who's been lost has a record of a vivid life filled with hopes, dreams, setbacks, and successes. Every life is unique, precious, and simply lovely. They should be celebrated. Even if someone's life was filled with strife, the fact they even lived at all is a success. Life is a gift that demands to be cherished.
I've recently lost my Aunt Sandy to cancer not that long ago. She was an amazing woman with many successful accomplishments in her life concerning statistics. She's done a lot of lectures, research, and helping others. She even met Mother Theresa and traveled to many places around the globe. She's seen a lot and done a lot in her time on this earth.
Yet, beyond her accomplishments, she was one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. She was tactful but still stuck up for what she believed in. She was witty, humorous, and one of the smartest people I've ever known. She always helped to build people up and contribute to the greater good. She was simply amazing.
At her funeral, we all mourned our loss, but we also remembered what a great person she is. We went over her life filled with our memories and how she touched our lives. I'm so grateful she's my Aunt.She's greatly loved and deeply missed.