My first semester of college was definitely a little terrifying. My introverted self had to find new friends, tackle a college work-load, and navigate a few moments where I really wondered if college is the right thing for me.
While college is not for everybody, and a lot of people choose not to make it all the way to graduation, I'm more confident that college is for me. Here's what I've learned throughout my first semester that you'll learn if you come to college, too.
1. Nobody cares about high school in college.
Literally no one. There's likely to be some freshmen who just came from the high school popularity and can't get over how cool they were in their senior year, but it's almost a guarantee that none of the upperclassmen even remember high school. So, please, don't let high school drama bring your college experience down.
2. This is the time to allow your inner awesomeness to come out.
High school is disgustingly conforming, forcing you to pick a group and be just like them. College groups allow you to be yourself while still having multiple friends. That being said, allow yourself to shine out with who you've been holding inside your entire life. You may be surprised by the energy you attract.
3. Going to class is important.
People say this all the time, but it's something you don't really consider until the experience arises. Comparing me, a goodie goodie who went to all but two classes (for an academic conference), and several of my friends who used all of their skips and then some, I was less stressed at finals time. The skips some professors allow are for emergencies, not because you overslept or had to fix a hangover. Use them wisely, and do not skip exam reviews.
4. Let your social circle change.
If you don't like somebody who hangs out with your group a lot, stop seeing them. It may be hard to do for awhile, but avoiding the people you just can't stand will make you feel better and avoid being fake. No worries, you'll find your squad eventually.
5. Stop missing chances.
From crushes to opportunities, take everything handed to you, even some things further out of your comfort zone (as long as you can stay safe). If you think the kid is cute, tell them. If you want to go on the $20 trip to Philadelphia for a weekend, go. You'll regret nothing if you do, but you'll miss out if you don't.
6. Eat well and keep yourself healthy.
Don't procrastinate to the point of all-nighters, and have a glass of water once a day. Life almost seems better when you maintain your energy and body.
7. Partying is not mandatory.
College parties are fun, but you don't have to go if you don't want to do so. They're not much fun past midnight, anyways.
8. Avoid doing anything in your bed but sleeping.
If you can, avoid studying or eating in bed. Try to train your body to expect sleep when it lands on that crappy mattress instead of anticipating something else. You'll sleep way better if you do.
9. Stand up to people.
Drama, racism, and bullying are no longer tolerated in my life. You'll like the people you're surrounded with better if you tell them off when they do this.
10. Live out loud.
Read and watch what you think is interesting. Go places by yourself, even if you're afraid to go. Find the things you love, and do them often. Nobody has a say in what you do except for you, so say it out loud.