A feminist is not a woman who hates men.
A feminist does not need to be a lesbian.
A feminist is not a woman who thinks women are better then men.
A feminist does not even need to be a women.
A feminist by definition is any person who believes in the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
A feminist is not weak.
A feminist is a strong person who wants equal rights for both genders. A feminist sees equality as a right that should be given freely. I am a feminist. I believe that I am just as good as any man and no person has the right to make me feel anything less than equal. I hope that one day every job will pay based on experience and how hard a person works, no based on whether a man or a woman is doing the job. I hope that one day it will not be looked down on for women to be in the military and for women to be strong. I hope that one day it will not be looked down on for men to be nurses. Every person is equal whether they are male or female, straight or gay, black or white. No person is better than any other person and if you believe you are, then I can guarantee you the person you see as less than you, is the better human being.