What Your Favorite Singers Say About You | The Odyssey Online
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What Your Favorite Singers Say About You

In case you've ever wondered, here's what your favorite musical artists say about you.

What Your Favorite Singers Say About You

We all have our own musical style and taste depending on the type of person we are and that's okay. But if you've ever wondered, here's what your favorite musical artists say about you.

1. Beyoncé

You can never go wrong with Queen Bey. If you love Beyoncé, there's no judgement because she's fabulous. Basically you are a crazy and fun-loving person. You enjoy dancing the night away with your girls and eating and drinking quality items. Your style is always on fleek and you're a grown woman who you can do whatever you want. Independent and confident are the words that describes you best.

2. Taylor Swift

You are the best type of person to be. Both men and women can agree that T Swift knows her stuff and her music appeals to all ages and genders. You are all around a quality person. You probably do awesome things in your free time that range from watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix to skydiving in the French Alps. Your favorite food is anything classified as food because we all know the best type of people just love food in general. When you grow up, you'll probably change the world. It's that simple.

3. Ed Sheeran

You either love Ed or you hate him. If you love him, you also probably love spending hours in coffee shops and watching sad, sappy movies like The Notebook and Titanic. You also probably own a pair of Birkenstocks and if you are a guy, you can probably rock the man bun.

4. Drake

For the rap lovers out there, this one's for you. You probably have been a long time follower of Drake and remember him in his early days starring in Degrassi. You probably own all of his albums from the very beginning and love the Drake keyboard app so you can send his lyrics to all your friends. You are also probably very good at math, because the square root of 69 is 8-something right? Because I've been trying to figure it out.

5. Florence & The Machine

You are a free spirit, let's be real. Trying new things is your jam and hopping from musical festival to music festival is what you live for. You may be an advocate for both women's and animal rights. Brushing your hair and wearing makeup is overrated. If you are a secret Florence fan, it's probably because you want to live your life through her but you just aren't quite ready to let loose yet.

6. Sam Hunt

You probably live in the South or in Canada. Summer is probably your favorite season and you probably enjoy drinking Sonic slushies while driving back roads and blaring Sam Hunt's rockin' tunes. You're favorite food is probably something involving chicken in various forms with sweet tea to drink.

7. Mumford & Sons

You probably enjoy hiking and sleeping in the mountains. Most likely you own a pair of Chacos and Patagonia shorts. In your free time, you enjoy reading a good book on the back porch while drinking a fresh cup of black coffee. Your favorite scent is the outdoors with a hint of fresh air and you prefer traveling over shopping. Your favorite food of course is non-GMO and hummus is a staple snack.

8. Nick Jonas

You are possibly still stuck in your nostalgic middle school phase. You still know every High School Musical and Camp Rock song by heart and your guilty pleasure is hiding Jonas Brother posters in your closet. In your free time you probably watch Disney classics with your girls and you probably can't wait to have kids so you can live vicariously through them and shop at the Disney store. You also secretly wish Nick's recent hit Jealous was about you. It's okay, no shame.

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