Cheers to no longer being a teenager, but still not being considered a real adult! Turning 20 is probably as exciting as... let me think... turning 19. Especially for us Benjamin Buttons out there that seem to look younger and younger the older we get. We look exactly how we did when we were 12, just (a little) less awkward.
While having a baby face has its perks, or so they say, it definitely has its annoying moments.
Here are some of my "favorites":
"She's so pretty, is she old enough to drive yet?" - The hairdresser to my mom
"You have a baby voice." - The cashier at Dollar Tree after I told her to have a good night. Thanks, I hope I have a good night also!
Ahh, good times.
Oh! And who could possibly forget the time I was on vacation with a group of friends and when I tried to buy a can of chewing tobacco for one of them, the cashier kept insisting that my ID was fake and refused to sell it to me.
Like really? What do I look like actually being brave enough to get a fake ID when people don't even believe my real one is real?
Oh! How about when you walk amongst a group of actual middle schoolers, and you blend right in with them.
Or the 13 year old that gets 293,786,782,367 likes on Instagram and looks like she's been able to legally drink for at least five years?!
It just makes you think, "hey, you wanna know what I looked like when I was your age? I looked exactly how I do now."
And, shout out to pretty much only being called "cute" or "adorable". You know what else is adorable? Chipmunks, puppies, babies, etc... NOT GROWN UP WOMEN!
It's a hard life, when you forever look like a child. But hey, at least we'll look hot when we're old! (Or maybe we'll still be cute and adorable, who knows.)