What To Expect From Star Wars Battlefront II | The Odyssey Online
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What To Expect From Star Wars Battlefront II

Here are the three main things we are getting for Star Wars Battlefront II.

What To Expect From Star Wars Battlefront II

Last week, a Star Wars Battlefront II trailer released and got many fans hyped for what is to come. The first game lacked a lot of in-game content and many fans were disappointed overall. EA has stated the sequel will be completely built off of player feedback from the first game. The first teaser trailer for the next game promises everything we wanted in the first game. Here I will list the full components of the trailer and what the game will have to offer when it launches later this year.

Single-Player Campaign

The first pieces of the trailer include what we will experience as the single-player campaign. A woman's voice is played over the trailer as we see a group of imperial pilots watch the second Deathstar explode over Endor. The narration leads us to believe that the campaign will follow the story of an imperial pilot after the destruction of the second Deathstar. Multiple shots of the same imperial ship are seen throughout the trailer which leads us to believe it follows a pilot. Later on we can hear her shout "Avenge our emperor" which tells us that she still fights for the Empire and what it stands for. This is an amazing glimpse into a soldier's story who is fighting for the bad guys.

I believe this campaign will be fantastic. It will the tell a new story in a part of time we have little knowledge over and put us in the eyes of someone new. It will make us see from their perspective and rationalize why someone would fight for a tyrannic government. This campaign sounds like it will be fantastic and I cannot wait to see more of what it has in store for us.

Clone Wars

Within the trailer, we can't see or make out any clones, but the Clone Wars is hinted at by two new heroes that will make their way into the game. We can see the iconic Darth Maul light his double bladed lightsaber and run towards the camera's frame. As the frame widens, we get a glimpse of a three-fingered, green hand that ignites a green light saber. We all know both of these characters are iconic to the prequel trilogies and only support the reasoning behind the Clone Wars making it into the game.

The Clone Wars era is a rich world to explore and has many amazing characters that many of us wanted in the original game. To see this awesome world come to life once again in a new game is fantastic. Hopefully, later down the line, we will see a full glimpse as to what the clones and droids look like in a full-scale battlefront battle.

The New Era

Early speculation also included the fact that we would be seeing "Force Awakens" heroes and villains and this trailer confirms that as well. We can see a swarm of tie-fighters leaving Starkiller Base with its iconic banners hanging. We also get glimpses of Rey running through the woods with stormtroopers in the back as well as Kylo Ren coming in to the frame. Not only will we be getting "Force Awakens" heroes and villains, but also "The Last Jedi" characters. At the end of the trailer at the bottom of the screen, a line reads "Pre-Order to get Star Wars: The Last Jedi Heroes". So we will be seeing more heroes and villains on the already massive line-up.

So, it looks like Star Wars fans will be getting a massive new game full of different eras, heroes, and villains. This game is set to release later this year. Multiplayer will debut at E3 so be sure to tune in then.

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