I'm speaking facts; I am speaking to myself and to you! Earlier this week, I finally made the decision to go to Paris for a business trip, 4 days before I had to RSVP! I waited to the very last minute to pay for it. Who does that? To be honest, I was scared to step out my comfort zone to travel out of the country. I was scared because no one I had conversed with told me about Paris. People like me don’t usually go to Paris, and didn’t they just have an earthquake?
But deep down in my heart, I desired to go. I knew I would be safe regardless; I just feared the unknown. I had the fear of having to learn new currency, being in a new environment, and meeting new people. I just had excuse after excuse. I literally watched the airline ticket prices go higher and higher for three weeks. I still didn’t take any action until my fiancé said, "just go." Now, why did it take for someone else to give me permission to travel before I took action? Fear.
One afternoon, I was speaking to a person I admire and told her I was fearful of traveling, spending money, etc. She said to me, "living in fear is a choice.” Wow. That changed my world. I then asked myself, "Why am I really living in fear?"
Fear is the enemy of faith. As we grow into adults, we are taught subconsciously to fear the unknown. Think about it, a child is not fearful of anything until they are taught otherwise. We are not often taught to step out of our comfort zone and take risks. So many people will never accomplish their dreams and desires because they choose to live in fear. The question is, do you want that to be you? I get it, the unknown is scary, but aren’t your dreams, desires, and goals worth it?
Action cures fear. The only way you can conquer your fears is to take action. There are a million thoughts running through our minds as we begin to dream to step out of our comfort zone. But those thoughts are only excuses. And excuses will have you settling. Your excuses will not allow for you to live your best life. Your goals, dreams, and desires are only one step away. What is something that you’ve always desired to accomplish, but fear has gotten in the way? I invite you to step out i faith and just experience what action can do for you. “Nothing ever great ever happens in your comfort zone.”
If you’re feeling stuck in your fear and want to discover how to take action, click the link below to schedule a call with me.