I have this app called “Love Carter", everyday they send me notifications that are supposed to inspire and motivate me. They also send questions that the users can answer. So, the other day the question was “What should every single girl do in her single season?" I decided to ask my Instagram users the same question and this article is about their responses and what every single girl should do in her single season.
1. "Get Lit"- Single or not you should enjoy everything life has to offer. Enjoy time with your friends, make memories that will last a lifetime, go out, do something that you thought you would never do before, and....... GET LIT and just have fun!!!
2. "Learn to Love Yourself Before Others"- This answer I think is one of the most important, but also could be the most difficult. I never knew what this really meant until my most recent relationship ended. I ended it because I wasn't happy and I didn't love myself which I am now in the process of doing and so far I am discovering more about myself and falling more in love with myself each day. It can be hard to learn to love yourself but you have to start out with figuring out your flaws and ACCEPT THEM! Also realize nobody is perfect not even yourself so it is okay to make mistakes just learn from them. In a relationship you should find an equal balance of loving yourself and loving someone else as well.
3. "Date Yourself and Your Friends"- By doing this you can figure out what you want and need in a future partner. You can do this by either just spending more time with your friends or get a friend to take you on date to show you how you should be treated.
4. "Don't Search For A Relationship"- This answer is also a very important one. Don't search for a relationship during your single season enjoy being single. Whenever it is time for you to have a relationship God will let you know when the right time is. The best relationships are the ones that are unexpected.
5. "Work On Her Heavenly Relationship"- While learning to love yourself working on your heavenly relationship is extremely important as well. While working on this turn to God with all your troubles. Pray in your times of weakness. Pray in hopes that one day your future partner is everything that you need. Read your bible more. Join a bible study group OR create a bible study group. "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised" - Proverbs 31:30
6. "Have Fun With Her Friends"- During this single season have fun with your friends, go on last minute trips, have a late night cook-out run. Personally, in my last relationship I let some friends go or distanced myself from people. If you're in the similar situation, reconnect with old friends and for every single girl find some new friends as well. Also it is OKAY to have guy friends, one if my best friends is a guy and I am extremely thankful for our friendship.
7. "Realize You Don't Need A Man To Complete You"- This one is pretty self explanatory. You don't need a relationship to be happy. Just be happy for right now and wait for the right man to come into your life you will be extremely happier like this. It is also up to you to make sure you are happy you shouldn't have to rely on someone else to do that for you.
8. "Pamper Yourself and Learn Who You Are Without Another Guy" Part A - Since you are single you will probably save a lot more money (at least I am) so, with that money pamper yourself every once in awhile. Go get your nails done, buy some new clothes, go out to a nice dinner by yourself or bring a friend, the options are endless. Or if you're a broke college student (also me) have a little girls night with your girlfriends. There are many ways to pamper yourself.
9. "Pamper Yourself and Learn Who You Are Without Another Guy" Part B- During this time figure out who you really are without a guy. During a relationship I will admit I became I different person just to make sure my partner was happy and I didn't like. So, figure out who you truly are. Learn how to take care of yourself. Learn how to stand up for yourself. Learn
to be a little selfish not too much but just a little because, sometimes you have needs that are greater than others and that is OKAY! Learn to help your mental health. Find out ways to learn more about yourself.
10. "Get The Avatar Arrow In Your Head Like I Did"- Okay this one I don't recommend doing. I mean unless you want to because you are your own person and can do what you want. However, I put this one in here for a certain reason. During this time don't be afraid to change your look up a bit. I cut a lot of my hair off because I wanted to try something new and I ended up falling in love with it. You don't have to change your look but if you ever thought about doing so don't be afraid to give it a try. You are beautiful no matter what.
I hope these answers that my followers gave help a single girl out there and also remember a few things. Remember that you are beautiful no matter what and you don't need a man to make you happy or to complete you. Spend time with your friends and/or reconnect with some old friends. Learn new things about yourself and who you are also, learn to love yourself. Lastly, turn to God in your times of trouble.